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Photos by Fritz Rethage
Safety Building
Chief's Tour
On November 11, 2003, Fire Chief
Robert Thomasey and Police Chief Michael Colaneri gave us a tour of their new Public
Safety Building. This facility will house the Hasbrouck Heights Police Department, Fire
Department and Municipal Court.
Related story: Mason's Cornerstone Ceremony for the new Public Safety
Building (Police, Fire & Court) was held at Hamilton Ave., Sunday, November 23 at 1:30
p.m. Photos [Group 1][Group 2]
Related story: A dedication of the Public Safety Complex at 248 Hamilton
Avenue was conducted by the Mayor and Council on December 20, 2003 at 2 p.m. [Story & photos]
[Go to Fire Department and Municipal Court]

The Police Department will occupy the first floor and basement.
The Municipal Court will occupy the second floor.

Our tour guides at the buildings main entrance.

View from main entrance looking towards the Police Desk.

Chief Colaneri explaining the area behind the Police Desk.

View from Police Desk area of hallway where interview rooms. are located.

Hallway along side the Police Desk area where offices are located.

Chief Colaneri inside his office.

Detectives offices are located here.

Opening the jail cell. Jail cells are prefabricated according to state standards.

Inside the jail cell from the bed.

Restrooms plumbing to be installed.

Staircase leading to basement.

Plumbing to be installed in the locker room area.

Hallway in the basement. The left side is for storage.
The right side leads to the Police Department meeting room.

Police Department meeting room.
Utilities and service connections.

[Go to Fire Department and Municipal Court]

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