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Photos by Fritz Rethage · Posted
December 21, 2003
Safety Building
Dedication Ceremony
A dedication of the Public Safety Complex at
248 Hamilton Avenue was conducted by the Borough
of Hasbrouck Heights Mayor and Council on December 20, 2003 at 2 p.m. The
Public Safety Building will house the Hasbrouck Heights Police
Department, Fire Department and Municipal Court.
The program began with introductions by Councilman John Wassberg, a salute to the Flag and
the Pledge of Allegiance. The Rev. George Yoder, Pastor of the Holy Trinity Lutheran
Church said the invocation and concluding prayer. Council President Herbert D.
Heeren welcomed the assembly. Dedication remarks were made by Mayor William J. Torre.
Assemblywoman and former Mayor Rose Marie Heck presented an Assembly resolution
commemorating the dedication. Freeholder Richard A. Mola and Councilwoman Marlene
Verrastro provided comments.
Light refreshments were served following the official ribbon cutting.
Related story: Mason's Cornerstone Ceremony for the new Public
Safety Building (Police, Fire & Court) was held at Hamilton Ave., Sunday, November 23
at 1:30 p.m. Photos [Group 1][Group

Councilman John Wassberg

Rev. George Yoder

Council President Herbert D. Heeren

Mayor William J. Torre

Assemblywoman and former Mayor Rose Marie Heck

Assemblywoman and former Mayor Rose Marie Heck
presented an Assembly resolution to Mayor William J. Torre

Freeholder Richard A. Mola

Councilwoman Marlene Verrastro

Laser color copies
are available at Minuteman Press (Boulevard & Franklin).

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