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Winter 2003
Hometown News
2002-2003 School [Calender]
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[Zone 1][Zone 2] 2003 Recycling Schedules in pdf format
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Air Time Drill
In full "turnout gear" weighing over 60 pounds and using "air packs",
the Heights firefighters walked continuously through an endurance course of eight
representative activities, until their "air" ran out. [Photos]

Fireman Down
"The building
collapsed. I am trapped with two victims. I am at the end of the hose. Heavy
smoke. I am running out of air. Help. My location is a ... ".
Then there is that dead quiet that no radio call can reach; measured only by the steady
beep - beep - beep of the unmoving air pack.
Search & rescue exercises March 9, 2002 at Boulevard Shell
Photos & Story [Group 1][Group 2]
John "The Mailman" Retires
After 33 years of making friends on the same route in Hasbrouck Heights,
mailman John Pearson retired from the Postal Service. Over 200 of those friends held
a surprise retirement dinner at George's (Graycliff/Moonachie) on Thursday, March 6,
2003. [Retirement
Municipal Building Cornerstone Ceremony
A laying of the
foundation stone ceremony was held by the Grand Lodge of Masons of the State of New Jersey
on March 2d at 2:00 p.m.. The ceremony was co-presented by the Borough of Hasbrouck
Heights and the Euclid Lodge #136 Free &
Accepted Masons (Hasbrouck
Photos & Story [Program][Ceremony]
School Superintendent's Report
February 2003
Blizzard '03
On the afternoon of Sunday, February 16, Governor McGreevey declared a "State
of Emergency" as a winter storm with wicked-cold temperatures and brutal
blizzard-like wind conditions was expected. The snow began Sunday night and
continued steadily until Monday evening. As the day ended on February 17, 2003, Hasbrouck
Heights received over 20" inches of snow -- making it the deepest snow fall since
January 7-8, 1996. [Photos & Story]
Andy Feintuch Memorial
Wrestling Tournament
The Junior Wrestling Program's Third Annual
Andy Feintuch Tournament was held February 9, 2003 -- 9:00 A.M in the HHHS gym. Over
200 wrestlers participated from several nearby communities to include: Hackensack,
Hawthorne, Lakeland, Lodi, Pompton Lakes, Rutherford, Saddle Brook, West Milford and
Wood-Ridge. February 4,
2001 [Photos], February 6, 2000 [Photos]
Andrew Feintuch -- Hasbrouck
Heights Recreation Director - 1999
[Mayor's Eulogy] [Obituary]
[Memorial Tribute Photo] [Awards]

Coolidge Avenue House Fire
Mutual Aid response about 2:00 p.m. on February 6, 2003 [Photos]
[Movie] 500k mpg
School Superintendent's Report
January 2003
50 Years of Service
to the Community and Honor Dr. Burnnet Eglow
The Hasbrouck Heights Kiwanis Club celebrated 50 years of service to our
community on Sunday, February 2, 2003 with a brunch at the Holiday Inn. The club also paid
tribute to Dr. Burnett Eglow, the only active member of Kiwanis who is also a charter
member of the club. Dr. Eglow is one of the original ten men who sat down with
representatives of Kiwanis International to lay down the plans to form the Kiwanis Club of
Hasbrouck Heights and Teterboro. [Brunch][White House Greeting]
HHFD Installation
The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department held their installation dinner at the
Venetian on February 1, 2003. Honors were presented to the immediate past Chief Artur
Knoblock and incoming Chief Robert Thomasey as well as recognition to other deserving
members of the Department.
Installation phtos and story [1][2]
New Ambulance Dedication
Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 2:30 p.m. [Photo's
and Story]
2003 Business Information Forum
The Hasbrouck Heights
Chamber of Commerce sponsored a regional Business Information Forum featuring state-level speakers during a dinner meeting on Wednesday, January 15,
2003 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the VFW Post 4591.
[Story & Photos] [Chamber Home Page][Invitation]
Annual Ecumenical Epiphany Walk
Sunday, January 5 at 4:00. Procession starts at First United Methodist.
Proceeded to Holy Trinity Lutheran then to St. John's Episcopal Church, then to Copus
Christi RC before finishing at the First Reformed Church where a reception was held to
welcome the Magi. [2003 Photos] [2002 Photos][Millennium
Mayor's Annual Message
The Annual message was given on Sunday, January 5 at 1:45. [Message]
Gatto Appointed Municipal Judge
Borough resident Janice Gatto was appointed Municipal Court Judge at a special
meeting of the Mayor and Council on December 26, 2002. The appointment is for a
three year term. [Story]
Our Hometown Holidays
Is there a Santa Claus?
White Christmas
around Heights early afternoon.
Plowing the Circle on Christmas afternoon
- 500k mpg |
HHFD Takes Santa For a
Schedule on Sunday, December 22 started at Collins & Baldwin - 4:00 p.m. [2002 Photos] See Santa Waving
-- 120k mpg with sound |
Santa Arrives
by Helicopter at the NJ Aviation Hall of Fame on 12/14 |
Holiday Decorations
Night time [1][2][3]
Day Time [1][2]
Inflatable Displays [1]
Door Displays [1] Scenes Around Town
[1] Night Boulevard [1][2] |
Annual Community Tree
Lighting @ The Circle
5 p.m. on December 8 at the Circle. Sponsored by Mayor's Celebration Committee. An
Anti-Drug Council candlelight procession from Kipp preceded the tree lighting. [2002 Photos] [2001
photos][2000 photos] |
First Winter Snow
[Photos] taken early afternoon on December 5, 2002.
Storm dropped 6.5 inches of snow. |
Annual Chamber Parade
Biggest & Best Ever Annual Chamber Parade started at 7:00 p.m. on Friday Night
November 29. Leading the parade were the Port Authority Police with motorcycles, Honor
Guard and bagpipers. The parade also featured nine marching band; ten large floats
and eight smaller floats; fire trucks -- plus Santa! 2002 Parade [Group 1] [Group 2][Group 3] |
Photos with Santa
Santa Claus visited the North Pole Workshop at Bill O'Shea's Florist on Sunday, November
24, 2002. Bob Major Photography provided FREE photo's with Santa. [Group 1][Group 2] |

New Ambulance Arrives for the Holidays
On December 23, 2002 the HHFD received their new ambulance -- 25-EMS-2.
Here are the first photos -- moments after arrival. [Photos]
[Dedication on Saturday, January 25]
Judge Chandless Retires
Municipal Court Judge Harry H. Chandless Jr. heard his last case on December 18, 2002.
After 36 years on the bench he has heard over 73,000 cases before retiring.
Judge Chandless was the longest continuously serving municipal court judge in Bergen
County. He heard cases for traffic violations, disorderly person's charges --
assault, harassment, lewdness -- and drug offenses. [Story]
Mayor & Council Proclamation for Judge Chandless
Last Leaf Removal
[Photos] Hasbrouck Heights DPW about December 10,
Be sure to download your [Zone 1][Zone 2]
2003 Recycling Schedules in pdf format (800k)
Kiwanis Install New Officers "50th Anniversary Year"
The Kiwanis Club of Hasbrouck Heights held its
installation of officers at the Crows Nest in Hackensack.
Dr. Burnett Eglow presided over the ceremony and installed the following officers;
President Colleen Jarvis, First Vice President James Jarvis, Second Vice President Barbara
Smith, Secretary Peter Gallo, Treasurer Marie Gallo. [Story]
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For previously published hometown news ...
Current Edition -- Winter 2008

Featured sponsors in our Hasbrouck Heights Hometown. Ads are clickable.

[Zone 1][Zone 2] 2003 Recycling Schedules in pdf format
(800k) |
2002-2003 School [Calender] in pdf format |
Tuesday and Saturday Evenings, 7:30 p.m. in Corpus Christi School Cafeteria.
Thursday evenings at VFW Hall.
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Veteran's Memorial Walkway
Engraved brick pavers with Veteran's names will be placed in a Memorial Walkway
in Veterans Park on Terrace Ave & Passaic. Bricks are 4" x 8" with 13
characters per line with a maximum of 3 lines. Cost $50 each. Place orders by
February 1, 2003 for Memorial Day Dedication. Contact Boro Clerk's office at 201-288-0195
for full details.
Effective 9/9/02: There will be no through traffic on the 200 block of Hamilton
Police may be accessed via the Boulevard, with limited parking at Franklin School Gym.
Senior residence may be accessed via Burton Avenue.
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The Contemporary Club of Hasbrouck Heights, proudly presents, "An Afternoon
of Music", featuring David Maiullo and Company, Sunday, April 14th at 3 p.m. at the
Keifer Auditorium in the Hasbrouck Heights Jr./Sr. High School. Proceeds will benefit the
NEW Library Interior Furnishings. Donation of $10.00 includes light refreshments. Tickets
available at the Library or call 201-727-0274 or 201-288-9051.
5th Annual Memorial 5k Run
and One-Mile Walk Set April 12
The 5th annual 5k Run and the One Mile Walk, inspired by-the memory of Hasbrouck
Heights teachers John Rau, Cheryl Terlemezian, and Robert Fitzgerald, will be held on
April 12 with a registration beginning at 8 a.m. Designed to collect money for
scholarships, The Rau-Fitzgerald Memorial Run ($16 entry fee) will take place at 9:30 a.m.
on the Boulevard, followed by the 10:30 a.m. Terlemezian mile walk ($10 entry fee).
The Rau-Fitzgerald Memorial Run (5 km run) and the Cheryl Terlemezian one mile
fun run/walk
is scheduled for April 12, 2003. Sponsored by HHEA
Call Barbara Christianson,Race Director,
at 201-288-1426 or Email: BABSBIZ@AOL.COM
Sponsorship deadline is February 15, 2003.
Little League Opening Day
Parade & Ceremony on Saturday, April 12th at 9:30 a.m.[HHLL]
Fish & chips Dinner
Wednesday April 9 at Corpus Christi school cafeteria. Take-out available at 5:30
p.m. an dinner at 6:00. $5 adults/$5 children. Call Sally at 201-288-0005 or Irene at
201-288-2787. Dinners by Argyle of Kearny. Sponsored by Rosary Society.
Atlantic City Trip
Tuesday April 8, The Contemporary Club of Hasbrouck Heights will be sponsoring a
bus ride to Ballys in Atlantic City. Call 201-288-8933 for information. Sponsored by
Contemporary Club.
Pancake Breakfast
Annual Little League Pancake Breakfast and Sports Auction on Sunday, April 6th
from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Corpus Christi Cafeteria [HHLL]
Garummage Sale
Saturday, April 5 at First United Methodist Church from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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[Site Map]
Scouts to Deliver Kiwanis Rainbow Appeal
On Saturday, March 29th the Scouts will deliver "Scouting for
Food" bags and an appeal letter for the Kiwanis Clubs 2003 Rainbow Summer Day
Program." A flyer with details will be attached to each food bag. Please
support this drive by placing your bag in front of your house for pick up on Saturday,
April 5th.
[More details]
Fish &
Chips Dinner
March 27 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Contemporary Club sponsors their Annual Fish &
Chips Dinner to be held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Burton and Hamilton Avenues, 5 to
7 p.m. Pre-paid take out orders available by advance reservation only call Marge
201-288-8933 . Catering done by "Tastefully British Caterers of Ridgewood".
Children under 10, $7:50 Adults $10.00.
St. Patricks Day Party
Saturday, March 15, 7:30 at Pioneer Club. Corned beef and cabbage dinner.
Bagpipe players. DJ. $30. Sponsored by JWC. Call 201-288-7377
Yankee Doodle Circus
March 14 & 15 at the HHHS Gym. $10 ticket included 1 adult and 2 children.
Sponsored by Euclid & Lincoln PTA's. Show: Friday 5:15 & 7:30 p.m.. Saturday
2:00, 4:30 & 7:00 p.m.. Call Donna at 201-288-4401 or Kathy at 201-393-0546
Free Adult ESL Class
Starting March 12 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at St.John The Divine Episcopal Church.
Beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. Registration and infromal is Feb. 19 &
26. Call 201-288-0002 for info.
Dinner-Fashion Show
March 11 at The Fiesta. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. followed by fashions by The Fig Leaf
Boutique of Garfield. Tickets $30. Call Magda at 201-288-5736. Sponsored
by Woman's Club. Benefit State Woman's Club project of Canine Companions & local
town projects.
Babe Ruth Tryouts & Registration
Saturday March 8from 10:00 to noon at the Little League Field. Registration
is $55
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[Site Map]
Soup & Sandwich
On Sunday, February 23, The First United Methodist Church will hold a "Soup
N' Sandwich lunch from noon to 1 p.m. Three kinds of soup, sandwiches, desserts and
beverages. Tickets: $6 adults, $3 children 10 and under. Call 201-288-0324 for
Rummage/Bake Sale
Euclid Masonic Lodge will held a Rummage and Bake Sale on Saturday, February 15
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Benefit BattleshipNew Jersey. Tables available fo $15. Non-cloting
donations welcome. Call Semra at 973-691-8368 or susanne at 201-288-4854
Wrestling Beefsteak
4th Annual Beefsteak at the Fiesta on Friday, February 14 at 7:30 p.m. $40 per
person. Call Doug at 201-288-2969
50th Anniversary Celebration Brunch
Kiwanis Club of Hasbrouck Heights--Teterboro will hold its 50th
Anniversary Celebration with a Brunch at the Holiday Inn on Sunday, February 2, 2003 from
11:00 a.m. to 3 :00 p.m. Tickets are $35 each.
A special tribute to it's only active charter member Dr. Burnett Eglow will be held. Call
Colleen at 201-288-5644 for info. RSVP January 24. [Brunch photos & story]]
[Announcement][Presidents Message][Kiwanis
Club Accomplishments][Dr. Burnett Eglow Honored]
[Kiwanis Club Facts][HH Kiwanis Club Past Presidents]
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page] [Site
For previously published hometown news ...
Current Edition -- Winter 2008
Featured sponsors in our Hasbrouck Heights Hometown. Ads are clickable.

About Our Neighbors
Andrew Feintuch -- Hasbrouck Heights Recreation Director - 1999
[Mayor's Eulogy] [Obituary]
[Memorial Tribute Photo] [Awards]
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Heights First Year
Here is a glimpse of our hometown during the first year of the 21st century.
Throughout the year I had photographed some interesting tableaus reflecting our
community life. Take a glance around Hasbrouck Heights, NJ during 2000 A.D., and see some
of the people, events and places that make our town a special place to live and

First Snow of the Century
[21 photos] around our hometown
beginning on January 20, 2000
[Woodland Park] morning of January 21 |

Springing into the Century
Spring scenes - Early April [Photos]
Easter decorations [Photos]
Spring surprise [Photos]Spring scenes - Late April [Photos]
Spring scenes - Late May [Photos]
Spring Flowers 1 [Photos]
Spring Flowers 2 [Photos]
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Please patronize our sponsors. Ads with links are clickable.