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Senior Services

Recent Senior News Clips

Farmer's Market 2004
Senior's from Hasbrouck Heights and bus-loads from other Bergen County communities visited the Boulevard Farmer's Market on a bright and sunny August 3, 2004.  As part of a Bergen County Division of Senior Services nutrition program, seniors 60+ could receive free coupons.
[Story & photos][Group 2]

Senior Citizens Picnic
The fourth annual senior citizen picnic was held in Woodland Park on July 15, 2004.
[2004 Photos & story]

Health Fair Expo
April 16 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Municipal Complex Senior Center.  Complimentary breakfast & lunch.  Free blood pressure testing, free glucose/diabetes testing, health smart cooking, making doctor visits count, fall risk assessment, health information, etc.  Free give-a-ways.  Sponsored by HH Board of Health in cooperation with Bergen County Health Services, Rite-Aid and Commissioner Justin DiPisa.

[Story & photos]


Heights Community Organizations

Friendly Neighbors* -
Community Welfare, 307 Roosevelt Ave.
Leisure Club* - Senior Citizens Social Club
Reach - Transportation, 441-3350

Typical Senior Bus Service
Trip to mall mid month on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Trip to Shoprite on Wednesdays
Trip to Pathmark on Fridays
Town bus info: Call DPW @ 201-288-1072

Phone Numbers

Hasbrouck Heights
Health Department: 201-288-1636
Post Office: 201-288-0233
Town bus: Call DPW @ 201-288-1072
Welfare Department: 288-7340

Bergen County
Adult Protective Services (Elder abuse M-F) 368-4300 -- 24 Hour - 800-624-0275
Bergen County Div. of Social Services - 201-646-2625
Heat & Energy Assistance: BC Home Improvement 646-3465
Meals on Wheels: 646-3252
Office of the Disabled: 646-3555
The Chore Service: 489-7790
Veterans Services: 646-3487

CRC Helpline - Info & Referral Service of Bergen County
More than 1,300 health and human services resources
Free & Confidential.
9 AM to 5 PM, Mon-Fri. 343-6543 or 646-3676

AARP - 800-424-3410
Medicare -800-633-4227 (tty/ttd:877-486-2048)
Poison Control Center - 800-764-7661
Social Security - 800-772-1213

Veterans - 800-827-1000

Helpful Links
The elderly will be able to find out how to sign up for federal and state assistance using a single web-site.
The side includes a database of about a thousand federal and state programs for the elderly.  Visitors fill out a confidential questionnaire and find out what they're qualified for and how to apply.  To protect the user's privacy, the site does not collect a Social Security number, name, address or any other personally identifiable information.  It does require a ZIP code to determine local benefits. Source: AP, June 5, 2001

The National Council on Aging who teamed-up with several non-profit groups to create The site allows people to type in some vital statistics such as age, income, heath status, and military service history and receive a printout informing them of government benefits they are eligible to receive. Confidential.  Free of charge. No identifying information such as name, address or social security number is asked. 

It is estimated that 5 million seniors are missing out on state and federal benefits programs simple because they are unaware of them.  It has information on about 1,000 programs.  Funded by the US National Institute on Aging helped fund the web-site creation, hosted by AOL and powered by Vital Aging.

Seniors  American Association of Retired Persons  General Interest  National Council of Senior Citizens  General Interest

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