M I N U T E S November 24, 1998 A Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights was held on November 24, 1998 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 248 Hamilton Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Mayor Torre stated that the meeting complied with the Sunshine Law, due notice having been made to all members of the Council by personal service on January 1, 1998 and transmitted to The Observer, The Record and the Herald News by mail on January 2, 1998. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor William J. Torre, Councilman Andrew Link III, Councilman Herbert D. Heeren, Councilman Justin A. DiPisa, Councilman Garrett R. Pepe, Councilwoman Marlene Verrastro Absent: Councilman John Wassberg
SALUTE TO FLAG: Mayor Torre led in the Salute to the Flag.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (October 27, 1998 & November 10, 1998) Councilwoman Verrastro motioned, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, to approve the Minutes of the above noted meetings. Roll Call: Ayes: Link, Heeren, DiPisa, Pepe - 10/27/98, Verrastro Nayes: None Abstain: Pepe - 11/10/98-due to his absence at said meeting
BILLS: BE IT RESOLVED that the claims and accounts amounting to $124,364.93 specified in the schedule, having been examined and approved by the Finance Commissioner, or his Deputy, be paid and that warrants be issued therefor. Signed Andrew Link III/Commissioner of Finance On motion by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilwoman Verrastro, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution was adopted.
PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION TO HASBROUCK HEIGHTS SWIM TEAM: Mayor Torre read and presented a proclamation proclaiming November 27, 1998 as "Hasbrouck Heights Swim Team Day" to the Hasbrouck Heights Swim Team for their championship performance of achieving a perfect 5-0 record in the dual meets and winning first place in the Central Bergen League Swimming Championships of 1998.
REPORTS: FINANCE & LAND USE: Under Finance, Councilman Link reported that as of October 31st the current fund cash balance was $1,638,000 all of which was invested, earning approximately 5%. Cash receipts totalled $1,789,000 of which $1,500,000 was from current taxes, $1,129 was from prepaid taxes, $201,000 was from state aid and $86,000 was from miscellaneous revenues. Cash disbursements totalled $1,793,000 of which $999,000 was for local school taxes, $487,000 was for salaries and $306,000 was for other expenses. Work has continued on the 1999 municipal budget. Most departments have submitted their budget requests. Under Land Use, he reported that the total number of fees collected by the Building Department was $10,000. The total value of construction was $621,000. 95 permits were issued of which 43 were for building, 17 for plumbing and 24 for electric. 24 certificates of zoning compliance were issued, 15 for one family homes, 1 for a two family home and 8 for commercial establishments. There were 9 contractor registration renewals and 65 inspections made, of which 38 were for building and 25 for zoning.
POLICE: Councilman Heeren reported that during the month of October the patrol vehicles travelled approximately 7,300 miles patrolling the Borough streets. The police desk received 787 calls for service, 119 via 911. A couple of police vehicles have been striped with the new colors to be used, black and orange. All new vehicles will receive the new colored striping. The Department received 32 applications to participate in the police testing program to become a candidate for the Police Department. Those that have passed the written test will move on to the physical ability test. The Department issued a total of 416 summonses, 78 for moving violations and 338 for parking violations with the greatest number, 265, being for overnight parking. He then mentioned several letters of thanks from local organizations for police assistance during events held in the Borough. As Deputy Commissioner of Streets and Transportation, he reported that the Department of Public Works has completed the fall planting of 50 trees, bringing the total number of trees planted in 1998 to 170. The same amount of plantings will be budgeted for next year. Beginning in 1996, the DPW began trimming and removing dead limbs from all Borough trees. To date, 90% of the trees have been trimmed and the project should be completed by next year.
FIRE & PUBLIC FACILITIES: Under Fire, Councilman DiPisa reported that for the month of October there were 42 fire calls, 405 year-to-date, 3 calls for Teterboro, 100 year-to-date and 2 calls for mutual aid, 35 year-to-date, totalling 47 fire calls, 540 year-to-date. There were 16 rescue calls, 119 year-to-date, 2 calls for Teterboro, 22 year-to-date, and 0 calls for mutual aid, totalling 141 calls year-to-date. Under Public Facilities, he reported that improvements to the east side parking lot of the Municipal Building are in the planning stage. A small retaining wall and new fencing are needed and a drainage problem needs to be addressed.
SANITATION & WELFARE: Under Sanitation, Councilman Pepe reported
that the 1999 recycling calendar will be delivered to all residents. A few of the changes
are that magazines will no longer be picked up with bottles and cans but rather with
cardboard. Wood may be disposed of as trash. Trash will be collected twice a week with all
other household garbage. Under Welfare, he reported that for the month of October there
were 10 cases at the beginning of the month, 1 new case opened, 3 cases closed, 4 pending
cases, 2 workshops and meetings, 1 denied case, 8 cases at the end of the month, 4
referrals, conferences, home visits and food distributions from the pantry and 4 cases
rejected. Money expended during the month was $1,120. HEALTH & RECREATION: Under Recreation, Councilwoman Verrastro reported on the dates for the upcoming registration of various programs. Under Health, she reported that for the month of October there were 11 births recorded, 42 burial permits issued, 248 certified transcripts, 3 dog licenses issued, 43 deaths recorded, 4 food licenses issued, 4 marriage licenses issued, and the total number of calls received by the Department was 144.
PARKS: As Deputy Commissioner of Parks, Councilman DiPisa reported that the installation of new park equipment at Woodland Park will takeplace in early December.
REPORT OF MAYOR: Mayor Torre congratulated Councilman Pepe and Councilwoman Verrastro on their reelection to the Council. He mentioned that the number of trees the Borough plants a year has tripled over past years and they will continue to do so. The County used to replace trees on County roads, but now only trims them. The Borough must replant trees on these roads at its own expense. In reference to the property for a new library, a check has been issued to the Superior Court for the purchase of the property. Borough Attorney Ralph Chandless said the attorney representing the Borough on this case will seek from the court a declaration of taking.
RESOLUTIONS: 156. State Aid Change Order No. 1 - Burton Ave. 157. Granting of Raffle License - H.H. H.S. PTA On motion by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded by Councilman Pepe, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolutions were adopted. (Resolutions attached)
MISCELLANEOUS FROM PUBLIC: Mayor Torre opened the meeting to the public for anyone wishing to speak. Barbara Bizik came forward on behalf of the Hasbrouck Heights Education Association and requested permission to host a 5K run and walk to benefit the Rau/Fitzgerald Scholarship Fund. She asked what steps needed to be taken to host this event. Mayor Torre said it was a good idea and that he was in receipt of her letter, copies of which will be forwarded to the Council, Fire Department and Police Department. Nick Timpone, 1 Austin Pl., came forward and asked for a status on plans to improve Woodland Park. He said he was concerned because the field is very rundown. Mayor Torre said plans were again presented to the Governing Body at the last Council meeting. The plans were well received. They must be discussed with the DPW Superintendent and Commissioner or Parks. A final decision has not yet been made. They want to develop a plan that will be in the best interest of the Borough. Mr. Timpone commented that now is the best time to begin the project because the sports season is basically over for the year. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Torre closed the meeting to the public.
ADJOURN: There being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council, the meeting was adjourned.
I, BARBARA MALDONADO, Borough Clerk of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes are to the best of my knowledge a true account of the Regular Meeting held on November 24, 1998.
Barbara Maldonado, RMC Borough Clerk
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