M I N U T E S January 12, 1999 A Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights was held on January 12, 1999 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Meeting of the Municipal Building, 248 Hamilton Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Mayor Torre stated that the meeting complied with the Sunshine Law, due notice having been made to all members of the Council by personal service on January 1, 1999 and transmitted to The Observer, The Record and the Herald News on January 4, 1999. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor William J. Torre, Councilman Andrew Link III, Councilman Herbert D. Heeren, Councilman Justin A. DiPisa, Councilman Garrett R. Pepe, Councilwoman Marlene Verrastro, Councilman John Wassberg Absent: None SALUTE TO FLAG: Mayor Torre led in the Salute to the Flag. SWEARING IN OF DANIEL KRONCKE & COREY LANGE AS PROBATIONARY PATROLMAN On motion by Councilman DiPisa, seconded by Councilman Heeren, and unanimously carried, to appoint Daniel Kroncke as a probationary patrolman. On motion by Councilman Heeren, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, to appoint Corey Lange as a probationary patrolman. The Oath of Office was administered to Daniel
Kroncke and Corey Lange by Mayor Torre. BILLS: BE IT RESOLVED that the claims and accounts amounting to $2,054,597.53 specified in the schedule, having been examined and approved by the Finance Commissioner, or his Deputy, be paid and that warrants be issued therefor. Signed Herbert D. Heeren/Commissioner of Finance On motion by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded by Councilman Pepe, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution was adopted.
RESOLUTIONS: 15. Payment of Fees to State - Construction Fees 16. Granting of Raffle License - Corpus Christi Church Rosary Society & NJSFWC Junior Woman's Club of H.H. 17. Payment of Fees to State - Marriage Licenses 18. Authorizing Collection of Interest & Penalties on Delinquent Taxes and Assessments 19. Appointment of Secretary to Construction/Land Use Office 20. Appointment of Probationary Patrolman - Daniel Kroncke 21. Appointment of Probationary Patrolman - Corey Lange 22. Resolution Approving Tort Claim Notice 23. Authorizing of Bond Anticipation Note
On motion by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded by Councilman Wassberg, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolutions were adopted. (Resolutions attached) Appointments: Michael Colaneri as 911 Coordinator & Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator Krista Waddell to Ambulance Auxiliary Angelo E. Talignani - Substitute School Marshal Arthur I. Horne - Substitute School Marshal On motion by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, to approve the foregoing appointments. Resignations: Gerard Hackel - Engine Company No. 2 Hiag Chongoushian - Substitute School Marshal On motion by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing resignations were accepted with regret. Councilman Pepe mentioned that Mr. Hackel
answered approximately 400 calls in 1998 and will surely missed by the Department. ORDINANCE(S) ON INTRODUCTION: ORDINANCE NO. 1844: BE IT RESOLVED that an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 16 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, ENTITLED "COMMUNITY CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE" SO AS TO INCREASE THE AUTHORIZED MEMBERSHIP THEREOF" introduced this date be and the same is hereby passed on first reading and the Borough Clerk be directed to advertise notice of public hearing on said Ordinance to be held at the regular meeting of the Borough Council on February 9, 1999.
ORDINANCE NO. 1845: BE IT RESOLVED that an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO SUPPLEMENT CHAPTER 55 ENTITLED "POLICE DEPARTMENT" OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF HASBROUCK HEIGHTS SO AS TO INCLUDE THEREIN A NEW ARTICLE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSITION AND COLLECTION OF CERTAIN FEES" introduced this date be and the same is hereby passed on first reading and the Borough Clerk be directed to advertise notice of public hearing on said Ordinance to be held at the regular meeting of the Borough Council on February 9, 1999. On motion by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded
by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinances for Introduction
were adopted. ORDINANCE(S) ON PUBLIC HEARING: None MISCELLANEOUS FROM THE PUBLIC: Mayor Torre waived the public portion of the
meeting. RECESS FOR CAUCUS: The Governing Body recessed for Caucus. ADJOURN: There being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council, the meeting was adjourned. I, BARBARA MALDONADO, Borough Clerk of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes are to the best of my knowledge a true account of the Regular Meeting held on January 12, 1999. Barbara Maldonado, RMC Borough Clerk