M I N U T E S December 26, 2000
A Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights was held on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 at 8:00 p.m. at the Masonic Lodge, 200 Division Avenue, corner of the Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Mayor Torre stated that the meeting complied with the Sunshine Law, adequate notice of this meeting having been made to all members of the Council by personal service on December 28, 1999 and transmitted to The Observer, The Record and The Herald News on December 28, 1999. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor William J. Torre, Councilman Andrew Link, Councilman Herbert D. Heeren, Councilman Justin DiPisa, Councilman Garrett R. Pepe, Councilwoman Marlene Verrastro, Councilman John E. Wassberg Absent: None
SALUTE TO THE FLAG AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Torre led in the Salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 12, 2000 On a motion by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilman Heeren, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Minutes were accepted.
BILLS: BE IT RESOLVED that the claims and accounts amounting to $131,333.77 specified in the schedule hereto annexed, having been examined and approved by the Finance Commissioner, or his Deputy, be paid and that warrants be issued therefore. Signed Andrew Link III On motion by Councilwoman
Verrastro, seconded by Councilman Pepe, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution
was adopted. PRESENTATION: Mayor Torre invited Ron Kistner to come forward who displayed signs he had made up to this effect to be placed at the north and south end of the Borough.
REPORTS: FINANCE , STREETS and TRANSPORTATION: Under Finance, Councilman Link reported that the Current Fund cash balance as of Nov. 30, 2000 was $3,643,000 and at Oct. 31, 2000 was $2,059,000 an increase of $1,584,000.00 for the month. The entire balance was invested and earned approximately 6.50%. Cash receipts for November totaled $4,168,000 of which $3,858,000 was for Current Taxes, $2,487 was Prepaid Taxes, $240,000 was Grants and State Aid and $68,000 was Miscellaneous Revenues. Cash Disbursements for November totaled $2,582,000 of which $1,067,000 was Local School Taxes, $514,000 was County Taxes, $46,000 was Debt Service, $512,000 was Salaries and $441,000 was Other Expenses. He reported that the Annual Debt Statement had been completed and will be filed by Jan. 31, 2001. The Annual Financial Statement is being prepared and will be ready to be submitted to the Division of Local Government Services by the Feb. 10, 2001 deadline. The 2001 Municipal Budget was being worked on and the Surplus Balance and Tax Collection Rate year end information were anticipated to finalize the budget. The Budget Committee will be meeting in January to ensure a budget ready for February introduction. Under Streets, the DPW scheduled four trees to be removed, PSE&G and Bergen County were notified of nine dead trees which a wind storm had severely damaged on Dec. 12. 100 trees have been ordered for 2001 Spring planting and a grant to plant 20 additional trees was received from the State Community Forestry Program. Streets to be resurfaced this fall were rescheduled for Spring 2001: Wood from Lincoln to Passaic, Kipp from Boulevard to Woodside, Collins from Rt. 46 to Coolidge and Cleveland from Terrace to Boulevard. Under State Aid the streets to be resurfaced are Kipp from Boulevard to Terrace and Ottawa from Burton to Rt. 17. These projects will include gutter line profiling of all streets and resurfacing with 1 ½ " bituminous concrete surface pavement mix #5. Another state grant had been received for handicap curb cuts.
POLICE: Councilman Heeren gave the Police report. He said that in conjunction with the Board of Education D.A.R.E. Parents Night was held whereby 5th Grade parents were given the opportunity to get an overview of the program and ask questions. The Police Department is concerned with increasing DWI, with arrests almost doubling from last year, 66 vs 35 in 1999. and asked drivers to be extra careful especially during the holidays and to designate a driver. During the month of November there were 992 requests for service to the police desk, 201 were 9-1-1, the majority between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. 111 were relative to Rt. 17 and Rt. 46 incidents, 11, Shop Rite, Wood-Ridge, 64, other municipalities 30, and 225 from Teterboro. There were 182 parking summonses, of which 137 were for overnight parking, year to date 2,473 vs 2,940 for 1999. Letters of commendation were received. He spoke of Monsignor Walsh who had passed away recently, and a car had been provided during the funeral procession, which was appreciated by St. Marys Church in Nutley. The Board of Health thanked the Police enforcing the dog licenses during the year. 785 dogs had been licensed.
FIRE AND RECREATION: Commissioner DiPisa gave the Fire Report for November: Fire Alarms: Hasbrouck Heights, 37 calls, year to date 551; Teterboro 11, year to date 69; mutual aid 5, year to date 21; total for the month 53, year to date 641. Ambulance calls for November: Hasbrouck Heights, 61, year to date 415; paramedic assisted calls 25, year to date 315; Teterboro, 7, year to date 79; paramedic assisted 2, year to date 63; mutual aid, 3, year to date 61; paramedic assisted 1, year to date 21; total 99, year to date 954. He commended the Fire Department and Ambulance Squad for a great job, despite being displaced twice, and commended the fire chiefs as well and it was his privilege to work with them this past year. A lot was accomplished, in particular the ordering of a new pumper for the year 2001. He urged recruitment of new members to the Fire Department. Under Recreation, he congratulated Danielle Scipioni on not skipping a beat and Richard Tort as chairman of the Recreation Board and hoped for a good turnout for the American Heart Association Walk next year.
SANITATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES: Under Recycling, Councilman Pepe reported that the calendars had been delivered and if one was needed it could be picked up at the DPW, Library or Municipal Building. Regarding disposal of Christmas Trees, artificial trees are disposed with trash and live trees would be collected on Thursdays in Zone 1 and Fridays in Zone 2 after garbage and trash pick up. On Dec. 5 a routine inspection of a manhole at Passaic and Field revealed it wasnt draining and in attempting to clear the line with the Jet Vac, the hose became lodged. Further inspection discovered that Tyree, Inc. drew a hole into the main sanitary line while working at the Getty Station on Rt. 17, resulting in 30 feet of line being replaced and the Borough is seeking reimbursement from Tyree. Under Public Facilities, regarding 207-211 Central, all necessary utilities have been disconnected and the houses are scheduled for demolition. East Coast HazMat Removal will remove asbestos shingles on Jan. 4 from 207 Central, with both houses scheduled to be demolished Jan. 8 which should take approximately four days to complete. Prior to the actual demolition, the Fire Department will be using them for drills. A new high level voice activated alarm was installed in the Franklin Avenue Pump Station.
LAND USE AND WELFARE: Under Welfare, Councilwoman Verrastro thanked all the residents who donated food, gifts and toys making for a Merry Christmas. Under Building and Land Use, she reported that she had a letter from Pat Vella who will address the vacant stores leaving signs, awnings and lettering on windows and inform the zoning official, and plans to visit each store owner and renter asking for cooperation regarding maintenance of sidewalks and tree areas. He also found cigarettes around storefronts who do not allow smoking in their establishments.
HEALTH AND PARKS: Under Health, Councilman Wassberg reported for the month of November 8 births recorded, 2 male, 6 female; burial permits 53, out of town 50, in town 3; certified transcripts 314, marriage 4, funeral directors request 310; fees collected $1,917; of which $25 was for dog license late fees. Total deaths records, 54, in town 4, non resident, 47, resident deaths out of town 3. Food licenses issued 5, milk license 1, marriage licenses 3, marriages recorded 14; and a total of 120 calls to the office. Under Parks, he reported the underground sprinkler system had been winterized, the field reseeded and fertilized in October, but no weed killer used as it would harm the grass. The DPW has assumed responsibility for regular maintenance of the fields including fertilization, supplemental seeding and watering, with fertilization to be done three times a year and reseeding twice a year.
REPORT OF MAYOR: The Mayor began his report by asking for a moment of silence on the passing of Monsignor Gerard Walsh, former pastor of Corpus Christi R.C. Church and former Fire Department chaplain. He reminisced about the many times he was there for everyone and in particular the Christmas manger and menorah being placed on church property when it had to be taken off public property. He continued, speaking about the fire that had destroyed the Blairstown Municipal Building on Christmas Day and that a letter be sent offering assistance. He thanked Michael Ciano and Doug Lanzo and Community Celebration Committee on the Tree Lighting. He thanked Danielle Scipioni, Jack DeLorenzo, Barbara Bizik and Michele Maiullo on the Anti Drug Walk and appeal letter to all residents. He had attended the annual caroling with the Pack 17 Scouts and commended the generosity of the residents. He thanked the Leisure Club for inviting himself and Councilman Heeren to its Christmas Party. He reminded everyone Jan. 1 is the Reorganization meeting at the Masonic Lodge at 11:45 a.m. and invited all to attend. He congratulated Councilman Heeren and Councilman Wassberg who would be sworn in Jan. 1. He welcomed Dottie Link back home and wished her and everyone a Happy New Year.
CONSENT AGENDA: On a motion by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilwoman Verrastro, and unanimously accepted, the foregoing Consent Agenda resolution was approved. (Copy attached)
185. Authorizing Agreement with Bollinger Fowler for Prescription Program 186. Authorizing Contract with Delta Dental 187. Authorizing South Bergen Fire Chiefs Association Mutual Aid Agreement 188. Cancel Minimal Credit Balances and Debit Balances on Current Taxes Receivable 189. Transfer Current Taxes Receivable to Tax Title Lien for the year 2000 190. Authorizing Commitment to Coalition for Public Health and Safety Regarding Teterboro Airport 191. Authorizing Contract with the County of Bergen Department of Health Services 192. Authorizing Contract with Joseph Rotolo, Esq. Regarding Boulevard and Central Avenue Properties 193. Authorizing Cancellation of Taxes Overpaid to Budget Operations 194. Authorizing Transfer of Current Taxes Received to Taxes Overpaid 195. 2000 Appropriation Transfers 196. 2000 Appropriation Cancellations On a motion by Councilman Pepe,
seconded by Councilwoman Verrastro, and unanimously accepted, the foregoing Resolutions
were approved. (Copies attached) ORDINANCES ON INTRODUCTION: None
Mayor Torre opened the meeting to the public for anyone wishing to speak on Ordinance No. 1916. There being no one wishing to speak , Mayor Torre closed the public hearing on said ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1916: BE IT RESOLVED that an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO FIX THE SALARY AND COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF THE HASBROUCK HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOROUGH OF HASBROUCK HEIGHTS AND THE POLICEMENS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION LOCAL 102 be now passed on second and final reading and the Borough Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to publish said Ordinance, same to be published in The Record, a newspaper circulating and published in the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights. On a motion by Councilman
Heeren, seconded by Councilman Wassberg, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance
on Public Hearing was accepted. MISCELLANEOUS FROM PUBLIC: Mayor Torre invited anyone wishing to speak to please come forward. Michele Maiullo, director of Library, thanked the mayor and council for coming to the decision that they did and felt it was the logical decision for the public good and also would look forward to working with them and Michael Kronyak and Anthony Iovino to build the "best library this town has ever seen."
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council, the public portion of the meeting was adjourned Sine Die. I, ROSE MARIE SEES, Borough Clerk of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes are to the best of my knowledge a true account of the Regular Meeting held on December 26, 2000. Rose Marie Sees, RMC [ Back to Index of Mayor & Council Minutes ]