M I N U T E S August 28, 2001 A Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights was held on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 at 8:00 p.m. at the Masonic Lodge, 200 Division Avenue, corner of the Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Mayor Torre stated that the meeting complied with the Sunshine Law, adequate notice of this meeting having been made to all members of the Council by personal service on January 1, 2001 and transmitted to The Observer, The Record and The Herald News on January 1, 2001.
Absent: None
SALUTE TO THE FLAG AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Torre led in the Salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance.
COMMUNICATIONS: The following correspondence was received as of this date: 1. Memorandum from Larry Hazzard, Sr., Commissioner of the State Athletic Control Board regarding Extreme Wrestling Regulation in New Jersey and individuals who wish to promote same must obtain permission from the municipality in which the event is scheduled to take place. 2. Letter from Assemblyman Joseph Azzolina regarding the N.J. Family Home Occupation Act (A-1193). 3. Thank you from Senator Louis F. Kosco for Borough Resolution No. 107 which calls for the re-authorization of the New Jersey Clean Communities Program. 4. Letter from Linda Raguseo, 440 Washington Place, regarding property maintenance on a piece of property adjacent to her property. 5. Environmental Activities Report for June 2001 from Patricia M. Hegadorn, Public Health Coordinator for the County of Bergen Department of Health Services. 6. Notice of American Heart Association 2001 Bergen & Passaic American Heart Walk Sunday, October 21. Mayor Torre called for a motion to refer Item #4 to the Property Maintenance Inspector. A motion to waive the reading of any item of correspondence at length into the record and to accept the correspondence and place the same on file was made by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously approved.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (August 14, 2001) On a motion by Councilman DiPisa, seconded by Councilman Pepe, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Minutes were approved.
None BILLS: BE IT RESOLVED that the claims and accounts amounting to $541,129.78 specified in the schedule hereto annexed, having been examined and approved by the Finance Commissioner, or his Deputy, be paid and that warrants be issued therefore. Signed Andrew Link
III On a motion by Councilman Wassberg, seconded by Councilman Pepe, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution was adopted.
PROCLAMATIONS: Proclamation to Al Weigel, Vietnam War Veteran (copy attached) Mayor Torre asked for these citizens to come forward, saying that their honorary record should be preserved as a part of the history of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights and asked Councilwoman Verrastro and Councilman Pepe to also come forward for the presentation. Proclamation thanking Rianna Volpe, age 4 (copy attached) Mayor Torre explained that Rianna Volpe showed good citizenship for her concern of a cat stuck in a tree.
the following Board of Health Report: For the month of July, 9 births recorded, 8 male, 1
female; burial permits 65, out of town 64, in town 13; certified transcripts 490, marriage
5, Death 0, Birth 1;funeral directors requests 484; Fees collected: dog licenses $1,218,
of which $680 was late fees; certified transcripts, $2,450; food licenses and late fees,
$4,490; marriage licenses, $1128; food handlers course, $540; with total fees collected
$8,950. Total deaths recorded, 67, residents in town 4, residents out of town 3; non
resident 60. Food licenses issued 19, marriage licenses 4, marriages recorded 18; and a
total of 125 calls to the office. The Food Handlers Course was almost complete.
WELFARE: Commissioner Heeren reported that the Mayor and Council had decided to transfer the Welfare administration to Bergen County on July 1. The Director continues to perform social services within town. She responded to 45 calls during July, conducted 11 office interviews, had two conferences with the Bergen County supervisor. Five food packages were made up and two gift certificates which were distributed to needy families in town, toys and clothing were distributed to town families and one food package was delivered. She prepared a newspaper release. The churches donated the food, in particular from a Vacation Bible School held during the month of July. Files are being distributed to the appropriate departments.
Commissioner DiPisa reminded residents of Town Day, Sept. 22 at Woodland Park from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. rain or shine. He continued there would be rides, games for children and hot
dogs and soda for all. At 1 p.m. a free raffle for three Toro Recycling Lawn Mowers will
be held. MRAP and Clean Community grants help fund Town Day.
Facilities, he reported that the properties at 210 and 214 Central are ready for
demolition. The contract has been awarded to Race Excavating and demolition is slated for
the first or second week of September. He and Councilwoman Verrastro would visit the
surrounding neighbors to alert them. He reported that the tenants in the apartment at 320
Boulevard are out, but for two, one who will be moving September 1, and one who is still
looking. Meetings to discuss the building project have increased. The architect has met
with the Fire and Police Departments. The footprint for the Library/Senior
Citizen/Administration is now complete as well as most of the interior design, soil
borings, an environmental study, structural, footing, air conditioning designs completed.
A pre-construction manager was to be decided on later in the meeting, and it was hoped to
pre-bid for structural steel, footing and foundation before the winter. POLICE AND LAND USE: Under Land Use,
Councilwoman Verrastro reminded residents to not place trash at the curb before 7 p.m. the
night before or on weekends and to consult the recycling calendar.
FIRE: Commissioner Wassberg reported that the Fire Department had participated in the Teterboro Airport Drill recently. He thanked the legislators for the grant of $180,000 allowing for the purchase of a new ambulance. He gave the Fire Report for July: Fire Alarms: Hasbrouck Heights, 30 calls, year to date 309; Teterboro 11, year to date 73; mutual aid 1, year to date 25; total for the month 42, year to date 407. Ambulance calls for July: Hasbrouck Heights, 69, year to date 714; paramedic assisted calls 25, year to date 211; Teterboro, 19, year to date 149; paramedic assisted 2, year to date 48; mutual aid, 7, year to date 56; paramedic assisted 0, year to date 17; total 95, year to date 910.
On a motion by Councilman DiPisa, seconded by Councilman Wassberg, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resignation was accepted. Mayor Torre
continued with his report that the question for LOSAP (length of service awards program)
for the Fire Department will be placed on referendum on the November ballot. He asked
residents for their support. He wished outgoing Superintendent of Schools Dr. Richard
Stepura the best of luck and congratulations on a job well done in Hasbrouck Heights. He
recalled how when principal of Lincoln School he was out there directing traffic and that
he would be missed.
CONSENT AGENDA: On a motion by Councilman DiPisa, seconded by Councilman Pepe, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Consent Agenda Resolution was accepted.
125. Authorizing Professional Services of Langan Engineering as Consultant Regarding Request to Relocate and/or Abandon Handex Monitoring Wells on Central Avenue Property 126. Authorizing Application to N.J. Dept. of Community Affairs for Funds Available Through a Special Legislative Grant for Communications Equipment Upgrade 127. Authorizing Application to N.J. Dept. of Community Affairs for Funds Available Through a Special Legislative Grant for a New Ambulance 128. Authorizing Agreement with Beragan for Limited Services as Construction Manager for the Building Project 129. Authorizing a Check on the Capital Account Payable to United Water of New Jersey for a Water Pressure Test on Hamilton Avenue On a motion by Councilman Wassberg, seconded by Councilwoman Verrastro, and unanimously accepted, except in the case of Resolution No. 128, whereby Councilman Pepe chose to abstain, the foregoing Resolutions were approved. (Copies attached)
ORDINANCE(S) ON PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Torre opened the meeting to the public for anyone wishing to speak on Ordinance No. 1946: Chris Diktas, attorney for Bruce Bonaventuro, 442 Passaic Avenue, commenting that Mr. Bonaventuro had been noticed, being a property owner within 200 feet of the portion of Hillside Drive, and asked what the current width of the right of way was, and a dialogue took place between himself and the Borough Attorney regarding this vacation of property and what benefits the citizens of the borough would have from this and he requested that the ordinance be continued on public hearing until he could be given more detailed information. His major concern was that he did not want it to become a public street and he didnt want to see more development there. He was told that the purpose of this ordinance was to restrict development there. He was advised to express his concerns in a letter to the Borough Attorney. It was decided to carry the Ordinance to the meeting of September 25, 2001. A motion was made to extend the public hearing to the meeting of September 25, 2001 by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilwoman Verrastro, and unanimously carried. Rose Heck, 501 Collins Avenue, commented that the right thing was done regarding the above. At this point Mr. Diktas said he would not be available for September 25, and could it be scheduled for September 11, 2001 and was told yes, there would be public comment at that meeting on this ordinance only.
MISCELLANEOUS FROM PUBLIC: At this point, Mayor Torre invited anyone wishing to speak to please come forward. John Fargo, Franklin Avenue, regarding one of the houses being demolished on Central Avenue, asked if the front doors and light fixtures could be saved as they might have some value and of interest to some people, namely himself. He was told the items could be removed and stored until a public auction. Rose Heck, 501 Collins Avenue, regarding Resolution No. 123 regarding extending polling place hours, stated that people had complained that they work out of state and the extra time could allow them time to vote, and also that extra money was set aside to attract election workers. She said that she and Councilman Heeren had attended the Community Development hearing on un-programmed funds and were able to get the $12,500 that the Board of Education wanted. Soon there will be more un-programmed funds and that municipalities should be sure to draw down on that money or else HUD could have the right to lessen the money. She said a meeting will be held soon regarding the east and west Riser Ditch. The Army Corps of Engineers is ready to present the model. She told the mayor that his suggestion regarding a curfew at Teterboro Airport is being seriously considered, continuing that she has been involved also for many years in the airport concerns and is on top of it. Regarding the $137,000 for a study of air pollution the project has been contracted by the Port of Authority to Rutgers University. She asked for support of Good Neighbor Day at Bill OSheas Florist. She commended Michele Maiullo and Michael Kronyak for their work on the Library grant. Mayor Torre interjected that he would be attending a ceremony on Thursday and thanked her for the grant of $330,000. Al Weigel, Terrace Avenue, thanked the council for the honor given him. He has been a resident for 16 years. As a resident of Terrace Avenue he used this time to ask for some help regarding several situations, namely, speeders, mostly large trucks, are a hazard on Terrace with some trucks too large to make turns and asked if the town or the county could put a limit on size of trucks traveling on local streets. He continued that the traffic is terrible from Polifly Road to Williams Avenue, and felt it could be a dangerous situation. He was told that the speeding situation would be referred to the Police Department. He was also told that the county had been approached regarding the size of trucks, and was told the purpose of a county road was to encourage commerce. Assemblywoman Heck was asked for her input and help. He was advised that a letter also will be sent to DOT asking for a traffic study of Williams Avenue north of Route 17, 80 and 46 and the Boulevard. Sal Scaglione, 332 Springfield Avenue, stating that he had been at a council meeting last year regarding concerns with Passaic Avenue and Springfield Avenue and that he had received no reply and was back again. He also was upset with the size and off hours that large trucks were traveling on Passaic Avenue and also felt Springfield was used as a cut through street by the large vehicles causing the street to be in bad shape more quickly than other streets in town. Other concerns he had were with the sorry state of Memorial Park, the overloaded garbage dumpsters and fence behind the apartment building at 101 Terrace, the lack of property maintenance in that area and the condition of the curbing from the trucks jumping the curbs when trying to turn onto Springfield. His concerns were referred to the Police Department and Property Maintenance who were asked to look into this and respond by letter to him. When Memorial Park was discussed, a suggestion was given to Assemblywoman Heck for pavers with the names of deceased veterans imprinted which could be used as the walkway.
CLOSE FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Mayor and Council adjourned for Executive Session to discuss any matter involving the purchase, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds, and any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, disciplinary action, unless individual requests a public meeting.
ADJOURN: There being no further business to be conducted by the Mayor and Council, the meeting was adjourned. I, ROSE MARIE SEES, Borough Clerk of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes are to the best of my knowledge a true account of the Regular Meeting held on August 28, 2001. Rose Marie Sees, RMC |