M I N U T E S -- SINE DIE MEETING January 1, 2002
An adjourned meeting of December 27, 2001 of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights was held on January 1, 2001 at 11:45 a.m. at the Masonic Hall, 200 Division Avenue, corner of the Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey Mayor Torre stated
that the meeting complied with the Sunshine Law, due notice having been made to all
members of the Council by personal service on December 17, 2001, and transmitted to The
Observer, The Record and the Herald News on December 17, 2001. Roll Call: Absent: None
Unfinished Business:
Resolutions: 198. Dog Licenses - Payment of Fees to State 199. Interfund Transfers On a motion by Councilman Wassberg, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing resolutions were adopted. (Resolutions attached).
ORDINANCE(S) ON CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Torre opened the meeting up to the public on Ordinances No. 1949. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Torre closed the public hearing on said ordinance.
ORDINANCE NO. 1949: BE IT RESOLVED that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40:48B-14 ET SEQ. TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT ARTICLE V ENTITLED "JOINT MUNICIPAL TAX ASSESSOR" OF CHAPTER 45 ENTITLED "OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES" OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF HASBROUCK HEIGHTS SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT THE OFFICE OF JOINT MUNICIPAL TAX ASSESSOR AS IS HITHERTO ESTABLISHED MAY ALSO SERVE THE TOWNSHIP OF ROCHELLE PARK UPON ITS ADOPTION OF THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION CREATING THE SAME AND UPON ITS ENTRY INTO AN AGREEMENT OF CONDITIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE SAME WITH THIS BOROUGH AND THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH HACKENSACK" be now passed on second and final reading and the Borough Clerk be and hereby authorized and directed to publish said Ordinance, same to be published in The Observer, a newspaper circulating in the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights. On a motion by Councilman Link, seconded by Councilman Pepe, and unanimously accepted, the foregoing Ordinance on Continued Public Hearing was approved.
Since all the business to come before the Governing Body for the year 2000 has been completed, Mayor Torre declared the Sine Die Meeting adjourned. I, ROSE MARIE SEES, Acting Borough Clerk of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes are to the best of my knowledge a true account of the Sine Die Meeting held on January 1, 2002. Rose Marie Sees |