M I N U T E S January 22, 2002
Mayor Torre stated that the meeting complied with the Sunshine Law, adequate notice of this meeting having been made to all members of the Council by personal service on January 1, 2002 and transmitted to The Observer, The Record and The Herald News on January 1, 2002.
Absent: Councilman Garrett R. Pepe
SALUTE TO THE FLAG AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Torre led in the Salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance.
PROCLAMATIONS: A Proclamation was read by Council President DiPisa and presented to John De Rosa for his service during the Korean War
APPOINTMENTS: On a motion by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded by Councilman Link, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Appointment was approved. Joseph F. Cronin from Police Sergeant to Police Lieutenant On a motion by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Appointment was approved. At this point, Mayor Torre diverted from the Agenda and appointed John DeLorenzo from Police Sergeant to Police Lieutenant and Joseph F. Cronin from Police Sergeant to Police Lieutenant. The Oath of Office was read by Mayor Torre to each officer as his family surrounded him.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (December 18, 2001, December 27, 2001, Sine Die and January 1, 2002 and January 8, 2002) On a motion by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded by Councilman Link, and unanimously carried except for Councilman DiPisa abstaining from the minutes of December 27, 2001 as he was absent, the foregoing Minutes were approved.
None BILLS: BE IT RESOLVED that the claims and accounts amounting to $558,406.42 specified in the schedule hereto annexed, having been examined and approved by the Finance Commissioner, or his Deputy, be paid and that warrants be issued therefore. Signed Andrew Link
III On a motion by Councilman DiPisa, seconded by Councilwoman Verrastro, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution was adopted.
Commissioner Link reported the Department of Environmental Protection awarded the borough
a Clean Communities Grant of $15,284, however because this fund has not yet been
re-authorized by State legislation, the borough will receive $2,184 for 2002 and if the
program is not re-authorized beyond 2002, there would be no grant money received. Garden
State Paper owned by Enron was going out of business and was presently accepting our
newspaper, magazines, cardboard and commingled containers. Another recycling company is
being looked for. Bergen County landfill would be closing soon and the property was being
sold to an investor from Florida. The sale of this property would enable the BCUA to pay
off more than $90 million in outstanding bonds.
Commissioner Heeren gave the following report for December: 6 births recorded, 5 male, 1
female; burial permits 61, out of town 55, in town 6; certified transcripts 396, marriage
16; funeral directors requests 380; Fees collected: dog licenses $27, of which $20 was
late fees; certified transcripts, $1,980; food licenses and late fees, $1,030; marriage
licenses, $84; with total fees collected $4,815. Total deaths recorded, 66, residents in
town 7, residents out of town 11; non resident 48. Food licenses issued 6, vending
licenses issued 57, marriage licenses 3, marriages recorded 4; and a total of 67 calls to
the office.
RECREATION: Under Recreation, Commissioner DiPisa reported on the Mens Over 30 Basketball and Adult Coed Volleyball going well, the Youth and Traveling Basketball Programs in full swing, and that new programs were being researched for summer camp. Softball registration will be held in February with year round clinics to be held. A meeting with the Leisure Club would be held soon to discuss new programs. Anne Ciavaglia, director of senior services for Bergen County and a resident of the Borough, offered her help. New spring programs under consideration include Mens Open Basketball League, Adult Coed Softball League, Youth track and field program, Coed Soccer for high school students and a youth dance team for girls 5-13, with Jill Sgroi and Nicole Florio offering their expertise.
PUBLIC FACILITIES: Under Public Facilities, Commissioner DiPisa gave the report, noting that the contract for the excavation of soil and the construction of a foundation for the proposed Municipal Complex was being authorized tonight to be given to Niram Inc. of Boonton, New Jersey. Six bids had been received this morning for structural steel and would be reviewed and awarded soon. The Municipal Complex 90% drawings are under review. The Fire Report was given by Councilman Wassberg.
Commissioner Verrastro reported for December 37 new permits were issued with total
construction costs at $452,000. She reminded residents to get a permit before beginning
any construction.
PARKS AND FIRE: In Councilman
Pepes absence, Commissioner Wassberg gave the fire report for December noting that
the Firematic year ends in November: Fire Alarms: Hasbrouck Heights, 36 calls, year to
date 36; Teterboro 7, year to date 7; mutual aid 0, year to date 0; total for the month
43, year to date 43. Ambulance calls for December: Hasbrouck Heights, 88, year to date 88;
paramedic assisted calls 1, year to date 1; Teterboro, 11, year to date 11; paramedic
assisted 1, year to date 1; mutual aid, 7, year to date 7; paramedic assisted 4, year to
date 4; total 106, year to date 106.
REPORT OF MAYOR: APPOINTMENTS: Councilman John Wassberg as Library Liaison Alternate On a motion by Councilwoman Verrastro, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Appointment was approved.
RESIGNATIONS: Kevin Cappadona from the Ambulance Auxiliary as of January 17, 2002 On a motion by Councilman Link, seconded by Councilman Wassberg, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resignation was accepted with regret. He continued that the borough received a $40,000 state grant for repavement of Baldwin Avenue. Over three miles of streets were repaved in 2001, with grant money being received in part and it was hoped to receive grant money this year also. He was pleased to announce the award of Bid Package #1 under resolutions with the excavation and removal of soil and concrete foundations, that the bid for Structural Steel and main structure coming out soon. On the budget, he reported the records closed for 2001, tax collection rate was 98.1% with the surplus increased by about $10,000, and now over $1,400,000. The finance committee was meeting to finalize the 2002 budget, with cutting to be done. Some out of control increases were in health benefits and sewerage fees. A preliminary budget was proposed for February. It was hoped to receive discretionary aid this year.
CONSENT AGENDA: None RESOLUTIONS: 24. Authorizing Promotion of John M. DeLorenzo from Police Sergeant to Police Lieutenant 25. Authorizing Promotion of Joseph F. Cronin from Police Sergeant to Police Lieutenant 26. Approving and Adopting the Standard Tort Claim Notice 27. Authorizing Contract for 2002 with the County of Bergen Department of Health Services 28. Awarding of Bid Package #1 - Foundation, Excavation, and Concrete Work for Municipal Complex On a motion by Councilman Wassberg, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously accepted, the foregoing Resolutions were approved. (Copies attached)
ORDINANCES ON INTRODUCTION: ORDINANCE NO. 1955: BE IT RESOLVED that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO FIX THE SALARY AND COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE BOROUGH OF HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, NEW JERSEY, FOR THE YEAR 2002" was introduced this date be and the same is hereby passed on first reading and the Borough Clerk be directed to advertise notice of public hearing on said Ordinance to be held at the regular meeting of the Borough Council on February 12, 2002. On a motion by Councilman Wassberg, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance on Introduction was approved.
PUBLIC HEARING: None MISCELLANEOUS FROM PUBLIC: At this point, Mayor Torre invited anyone wishing to speak to please come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Torre closed this portion of the meeting.
ADJOURN: There being no further business to be conducted by the Mayor and Council, the meeting was adjourned. I, ROSE MARIE SEES, Borough Clerk of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes are to the best of my knowledge a true account of the Regular Meeting held on January 22, 2002 Rose Marie Sees, RMC |