M I N U T E S May 14, 2002
Mayor Torre stated that the meeting complied with the Sunshine Law, due notice having been made to all members by personal service on January 1, 2002 and to The Observer, The Record and the Herald News on January 1, 2002. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor William J. Torre, Councilman Andrew Link III, Councilman Herbert D. Heeren, Councilman Justin A. DiPisa, Councilman Garrett R. Pepe, Councilman John Wassberg Absent: Councilwoman Marlene Verrastro
SALUTE TO THE FLAG AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Torre led in the Salute to the Flag and Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENTATION: A presentation was made to the Police Department from representatives of New Jersey Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. Mayor Torre invited Councilman DiPisa and Councilman Link to come forward along with Chief Colaneri. It was noted that the department had been approached 15 years ago and this year had raised over $5,000.
1. Certified Letter from Public Service Electric and Gas regarding the Freshwater Wetlands Statewide General Permit #1, #2 and #21 applications to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Land Use Regulation Program. 2. Letter from PSE&G regarding Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act of 1999 and recently introduced legislation. 3. Letter from William Pat" Schuber, County Executive inviting Mayor Torre to a meeting on June 6 regarding an update on the Terrorism Task Force. 4. Letter to Michael Kronyak, Administrator, with copy to Mayor Torre, from Carol Skiba, 191 Field Avenue regarding parking by adjacent business owners on Field Avenue. 5. Letter from William T. Stevens, Postmaster regarding the Transformation Plan which outlines strategies on how the Postal Service will maintain universal service in the face of decreased mail volume, increased security costs, and a sluggish economy. 6. Letter of introduction from Susan Bass Levin, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. 7. Letter to the Borough Clerk regarding the recent resolution on Cablevision of Oakland Rate Increase, discounts and Y.E.S. network. 8. Letter to Mayor and Council from Congressman Rothman regarding Resolution No. 42 and the Boroughs concern that toxins are present in unsafe levels in communities surrounding Teterboro Airport. 9. Letter to Mayor Torre from Mario DiCocco, Director of the Princeton Division, Williams Gas Pipelines-Transco with a map illustrating the approximate areas that it operates its interstate natural gas-pipeline facilities. 10. Letter to Administrator Michael Kronyak, with copies to Mayor and Council from Richard Wierer, Director of Solid Waste, Bergen County Utilities Authority, with information on the Cooperative Marketing Program. 11. Letter from William G. Dressel, Jr., Executive Director of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities to Mayor Torre regarding telecommunications companies rights of way usage and a model agreement for local governments in their negotiations with Metricom. 12. Letter from the State Bureau of Safe Drinking Water regarding New Rule Proposal for Private Well Testing Act Testing requirements that becomes effective Sept. 14, 2002. 13. Letter from a concerned citizen to Pat Vella, Property Maintenance with copy to Mayor Torre regarding his/her concerns of areas that need to be cleaned up around the borough. 14. Letter from State Senator John H. Adler regarding legislation that has the potential to fundamentally reform New Jerseys property taxation system and his comments on it. 15. Letter to Police Chief Michael Colaneri, with copy to Mayor Torre, from Carol Skiba, 191 Field Avenue regarding the excess speeding on Field/Oldfield Avenue. A motion was made by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Correspondence was accepted and directed to the appropriate committees where a response was necessary.
MINUTES: (April 9, 2002 and April 16, 2002) A motion by Councilman Wassberg, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Minutes were approved.
BILLS: BE IT RESOLVED that the claims and accounts amounting to $2,294,685.00 specified in the schedule hereto annexed, having been examined and approved by the Finance Commissioner, or his Deputy, be paid and that warrants be issued therefor. Signed Andrew Link
III On a motion by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution was adopted.
CONSENT AGENDA: 80. Authorizing a Raffle License for Hasbrouck Heights Jr/Sr High School PTSA 81. Authorizing a Raffle License for Hasbrouck Heights Lions Club On a motion by Councilman DiPisa, seconded by Councilman Pepe, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Consent Agenda Resolutions were approved.
RESOLUTIONS: 83. Authorizing Contract with BCUA for Solid Waste Disposal On a motion by Councilman Wassberg, seconded by Councilman DiPisa, and unanimously carried Resolution No. 83 was approved. (Copy attached.) 84. Confirming Emergency Contract in Respect to Unanticipated Underground Plumbing On a motion by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilman Heeren, and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 84 was approved. (Copy attached.) 85. Approval of Lions Club Fireworks Display at Athletic Field 86. Payroll On a motion by Councilman Pepe, seconded by Councilman Wassberg, and unanimously carried, Resolutions No. 82, 85 and 86 were approved. (Copies attached.)
APPOINTMENTS: None RESIGNATIONS: Colleen Taylor from the Ambulance Auxiliary, effective March 19, 2002 On a motion by Councilwoman Pepe, seconded by Councilman Wassberg, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resignation was accepted with regret.
INTRODUCTION: None ORDINANCE(S) ON PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Torre opened the meeting up to the public for any comments on Ordinance No. 1965. There being no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1965: BE IT RESOLVED that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 84-6 ENTITLED "CLOSING HOURS" OF CHAPTER 84 ENTITLED "ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES" OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF HASBROUCK HEIGHTS SO AS TO CHANGE THE HOURS DURING WHICH THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES UNDER A PLENARY RETAIL CONSUMPTION LICENSE IS PROHIBITED"be now passed on second and final reading and the Borough Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to publish said Ordinance, same to be published in The Observer, a newspaper circulating and published in the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights. On a motion by Councilman DiPisa, seconded by Councilman Wassberg, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance on Public Hearing was approved.
MISCELLANEOUS FROM PUBLIC: This being the first meeting of the month, the Mayor dispensed with opening the meeting to the public and said that the meeting would be open to the public on May 28, 2002.
RECESS FOR CAUCUS Mayor Torre announced that the meeting would be recessed for Caucus.
ADJOURN: There being no further business to be conducted by the Mayor and Council, the meeting was adjourned. I, ROSE MARIE SEES, Borough Clerk of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes are to the best of my knowledge a true account of the Mayor and Council Meeting held on May 14, 2002. Rose Marie Sees |