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Photos by Fritz Rethage

Good Neighbor Day 2001

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Bill O'Shea's 6th Annual
Good Neighbor Day

Free Roses & Food Donations

"It was such a big success that the community asked us to do it again", said Bill O'Shea.

Area residents had an unprecedented opportunity to meet each other, make new friends and renew acquaintances on Wednesday, September 5, when Bill O'Shea's Florist hosted the 6th Annual Good Neighbor Day. Jukebox Radio 103.1FM 6 broadcast live from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.. News 12 Television as well as other media did interviews and took photos.
Good Neighbor Day began at 8 a.m. Bill O'Shea's Florist, 109 Boulevard (at the Circle), where a 12,000 roses were given away absolutely free to anyone who visited.  No purchase was necessary.

But before receiving FREE Roses, residents were invited to make a food donation for the   Center For Food Action (CFA), the non-profit food bank that has served our area's needy since 1976. CFA welcomed basic non-perishable food items such as juice, cereal, canned goods, pasta, baby food, etc.

This year over 300 bags of food and about $400 in cash contributions were received.

Bill O'Shea reminded participants, "The only stipulation is that those picking up the roses are asked to keep one for themselves and to give the other 11 roses away to 11 different people and in so doing, help create a friendlier, more caring and compassionate community. Good Neighbor Day is a day designated for people to meet and get to know their neighbors. A rose is the perfect expression of friendship and love."

This day was celebrated throughout the United States and Canada as a day of good will. Good Neighbor Day is an international event is organized by FTD, and sponsored locally by Bill O'Shea's Florist, in association with Jukebox Radio 103.1FM, and The Center For Food Action.

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