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on the Corner"
Celebration Day -- October 11, 2003
Photos by Karen Fels
The ministry of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Divine
officially opened it's "Care on the Corner" during celebration and recognition
ceremonies held October 11, 2003, at 333 Franklin Avenue in Hasbrouck Heights.
"Care on the Corner" is a resource center providing social services for the
under-served and under-represented people in this area.
The Boy Scouts provided the Honor Guard. Dedication began with welcoming remarks by Carol Haefele and introductions by Cathie
Studwell. The Rev. Joe Picard said the opening prayer. Assemblywoman Rose
Marie Heck presented a NJ Assembly Proclamation. There was an official ribbon cutting at
the front door.
The assembly then proceeded throughout the former rectory, were the space was reconfigured
into: community space and meeting rooms; library and quiet area; hospitality hub
(kitchen); computer lab and work room; and church and administration office.
The purpose and use of each space was declared, a prayer was offered and a candle was lit.
The days activities included:
1:00 p.m. -- A community art exhibit and project, face painting, facility tours and refreshments.
2:00 p.m. -- Ribbon cutting ceremony and formal dedication.
2:30 p.m. -- Kids on the Corner performance and guest musician, followed by outside
4:00 p.m. -- "Let a Joyful Song Arise" Community Choir Concert in St. John's
5:30 p.m. -- Reception in St. John's Parish Hall
St. John's website is:
Ribbon Cutting

The Boy Scouts provided the Honor Guard.

Assemblywoman Rose Marie Heck presented a NJ Assembly Proclamation.

Official ribbon cutting photo

Un-official ribbon cutting photo
Formal dedication
The assembly then proceeded throughout the
former rectory, the purpose and use of each space was declared, a prayer was offered and a
candle was lit.

One of the Centers first patrons enjoying a quite moment.
Outside activities

Kids on the Corner performance
Community art exhibits and projects, face painting, etc.


"Let a Joyful Song Arise" Community Choir Concert
in St. John's Sanctuary