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Hasbrouck Heights
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Photos by [Karen Fels]
An Ecumenical
Thanksgiving Service was held at 3:30 p.m., on Sunday, November 23, 2003 at St.
John's Episcopal Church (Terrace & Franklin Avenue).
The service began with the Gathering and entrance hymn followed by welcoming introductions
by Rev. Joe Pickard. Opening scripture was read by Rev. Dr. Katherine W. Ellison
with Lessons reading by Rev. Dr. Michael J. Avila, Rev. Roland Ratmeyer, Rev. George
Yoder, and Rev. Edward J. Glasser.
The Thanksgiving Message was given by Rev. Lewis Papera with Litany of Thanksgiving by
Rev. Carole Suraci. The Thanksgiving Ingathering was dedicated to the Hasbrouck
Heights Food Pantry with offertory sentences and Prayers by Rev. Joe Pickard and choir
anthem by Van Derrman Thompson.
The Closing Prayer was presented by Rev. Karyn Wiseman and Blessing of the People by Rev.
Msgr. Rodrigo San Pedro. The Dismissal was led by Rev. Joe Pickard. The
service was followed by light refreshments.

Participating Clergy and
Montclair State University: The Rev. Dr. Katherine Ellison,
Protestant Chaplain
Sojourners Family Resource Center: The Rev. Dr. Michael J. Avila,
Executive Director
Corpus Christi RC Church: The Rev. Lewis Papera, The Rev. Ray
Holmes, The Rev. Jim Whelen, The Rev. Rodrigo San Pedro
The First Reformed Church: The Rev. Roland Ratmeyer, Pastor
The Community United Church of Christ: The Rev. Edward Glasser, Pastor,
The Rev. Carole Suraci, Associate
The First Methodist Church: The Rev. Karyn Wiseman, Pastor
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church: The Rev. George Yoder, Pastor
St. John the Divine Episcopal Church: The Rev. Joseph Picard, Vicar
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