Brownie Troop 595 Tours
Fire Department

On the afternoon of February 8, 2007, Brownie Troop 595, from Lincoln and Euclid Schools, toured the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department.

The tour began with First Assistant Chief Michael Ratkowski discussing fire safety.
He discussed -- what to do if there is a fire in your home: go to a neighbor and have them call 9-1-1, do not go back into your home.

If you are trapped in your bedroom, close the door and go to a window as Fire Department members are trained to walk around your home to look for you.

Engine Company One Captain Edmund Carter III led the apparatus tour.
He discussed the foam/crash truck features. Next, he took the Brownies into the Rescue Truck where he explained the various equipment such as “Jaws of Life,” communications, etc.
Next, Captain Carter did a walk-around of Engine 2, illustrating how much water the truck carried -- “you know how much a gallon of milk is -- this engine carries 1,000 gallons.”
The Brownies then sat in the Engine 1 firefighters’ compartment while Captain Carter explained about air packs.

The Brownies then walked around the Ladder Truck.

Firefighter Mike Greco put on the firefighter’s full turnout gear and Captain Carter explained each detail of the protective clothing, air pack, helmet, etc.

Captain Carter added information about fire safety: smoke kills more people than fires, if you catch fire: stop, drop and roll, never play with matches, etc.

The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department offers facility tours to all community organizations. Call the Fire Chief’s office for more information at 201-288-0082. ###

Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department un-Official web-site

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