HHPD Fingerpirnts 2nd Graders

Since the 1970’s, the Hasbrouck Heights Police Department has conducted the "Project Kid Care ID Program" for all Corpus Christi, Euclid and Lincoln School 2nd Graders beginning in April and ending in June. About 150+ students participated this year.

Each Kid Care Photo ID Kit includes a standardized head-and-shoulders ID photo, fingerprints, child’s vital statistics, valuable emergency information, and the rules of safety. The kit also includes two wallet IDs. These photo IDs are used for missing children.

This year, the kits were prepared digitally.

Det. Sgt. Joseph Rinke emphasized, "Kits are kept by the family. The digital photo and fingerprints are purged after the session and are not saved on the system. If the ID is lost, the process must be repeated."

This is the first year that the Hasbrouck Heights Police Department prepared the kits electronically, using their new "Livescan" fingerprinting system and a digital camera.

Once the child was fingerprinted and photographed, the kit was assembled on a computer and a color printout was made for the family.

Captain John DeLorenzo said, "This digital system is cleaner than the inked fingerprints. Sometimes fingerprinting a fidgeting youngster was difficult. With this new digital ID program, the quality of each fingerprint is validated immediately."

The Hasbrouck Heights Police Department acquired an automatic "Livescan" fingerprint system this year.

The main console is located in the Police Department. A portable kit allows the Department to go to schools to conduct the child safety ID program.

Both the console and mobile unit cost $25,000 ($20,000 came from confiscated drug funds and $5,000 was donated by an anonymous Hasbrouck Heights resident). ### [Related Livescan story]

Hasbrouck Heights Police Department un-Official web-site

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