A long time Heights tradition continued on
Tuesday, May 22, 2007, with students conducting a Mayor and
Council Meeting during Youth Week.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Harvir
Kaur who requested Borough Clerk Zulma Sanchez to recite the
Sunshine Law Statement.
Roll call was made with Councilpersons Wade
Friedel, Vin Romano, Alexa Anderson, Nick Guzman, Zach Ketcho
and Mac Sakchutchowan reporting present. Mayor Kaur led in
the Salute to the Flag and Pledge of Allegiance.
Presentations were made to the Environmental
Poster Contest Winners.
Each Councilperson made commendations and
proposals, opened the meeting to the public, then adjourned.
During Youth Week, students assume the roles
of the Mayor, Councilpersons and heads of various Municipal
Departments to include Police, Fire, DPW, Recreation, Library,
Borough Clerk, Borough Administrator, etc. ###