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Photos by Fritz Rethage

Good Neighbor Day 2002

Good Neighbor Day 2001 [Photos][Photos of participants][Story]
Good Neighbor Day 2000 Photos [Story][Gallery 1][Gallery2][Gallery 3]
Good Neighbor Day 1999 Photos [Gallery 1][Gallery 2][Gallery 3]
Relate links:   Bill O'Shea's Florist

Good Neighbor Day 2002 [More participants photos][Story][Rose Heck gets Accolades]

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Bill O'Shea's Florist was ready.

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The first recipients receiving their roses and making their food donation at 8:00 a.m.

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Bergen County Executive Pat Schuber making a food donation and the presenting
Bill O'Shea with a Certificate of Commendation. Looking on is Thelma Fedele, Director of Community & Government Relations for the Center For Food Action.

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Assemblywoman Rose Marie Heck was showered with accolades by the Center For Food Action (CFA).

Thelma Fedele said, "It is particularly fitting to honor her publicly on Good Neighbor Day, because she has been a good neighbor by raising awareness for the need of food donation  in Bergen County.

Go to presentation story and photos

Lot's of happy faces making food contributions
and being Good Neighbors' by distributing thousands of roses.

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Good Neighbor Day 2002 [More participants photos][Story][Rose Heck gets Accolades]

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