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Farmer's Market 2000 --

From Your Chamber of Commerce

Farmers Market Schedule

Boulevard and Washington
Every Tuesday -- 1:00 to  6:00 p.m.
July thru October 2000

News Stories
& Background Info

First Day [Photos]

Farmers market socars to new 'Heights' [Shopper, September 26]

Heights adding lure of green - Farmer's Market [Record, March 1]

Farmer's Market comes to town! [Shopper, January 19]

[Chamber Press Release]

[Original Proposal]

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Hasbrouck Heights Chamber of Commerce Press Release
Farmers Market Update

Two members of your Chamber of Commerce , (Tom Meli & Vince Kane ) along with councilwoman Marlene Varastro attended the N J Council of Farmers and Markets meeting recently in Madison NJ it was pointed out in no uncertain terms to the many other towns that were there that Hasbrouck Heights will be the only new Market for the year 2000.

We dazzled them to get the Market and impressed them with the fact that a town official was actually working closely with The Chamber to get things done ! We showed the teamwork that will make it a successful market! We are currently at the stage where we will be attending a few more meeting and in February we will actually start soliciting our Farmers!

Councilwoman Verastro has taken the lead with the Borough in making sure everything is smooth sailing with the Borough again what a Team effort of Business Community, Borough, and Farmers Market Council!

In addition we will begin looking for two Managers for the Market! This person should be from Hasbrouck Heights be interested in the community, be available on Tuesdays during July, August,Sept, Oct.We will appoint two managers so coverage is easier. You will report to the Chamber and work closely with Tom Meli and Vince Kane. This is a volunteer position and you must approach it in that manner. We will pay also however for your time. But the money should not be what is important -- its what you are accomplishing for the community that should matter!

Any ideas or further information call Tom Meli at 201-288-7685 or 201-599- 5822 or E-Mail -


Here is an exciting update about the Farmers Market that is coming to Hasbrouck Heights in the summer of 2000. We can now report the location of the Market! The Market will be located every Tuesday between 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on The Boulevard! On the corner of Boulevard and Washington Pl. beginning next July. This location was picked because of its high profile it will enable people to shop the market and then conveniently shop the rest of the Boulevard!

A few details remain to be worked out with the Borough regarding rules and regulations , but these are minor issues. Everyone is very excited about this market coming to the Heights! Remember! Think Jersey Fresh in the year 2000!

Additional Information about our Market
1) Our Farmers Market was the only Market approved for the year 2000.
2) Our Market initially will be a small market consisting of no more than 4 farmers. 3) A farmers market is not a store. It is a group of farmers who literally grow produce to sell once a week in our town. Like having your own farmers taking care of our own big veggie garden!
4) All items are grown in the state of NJ it is only Jersey Fresh! produce.
5) Location of the Market will be on The Boulevard at the corner of Washington Place.
6) Time will be 2:00 p.m. till 7:00 p.m.
7) Day will be Tuesday
8) Market will begin approximately first week of July and end in October.
9) Market is subject to change due to changing conditions

We ask all residence and merchants to enthusiastically support our Market. Any questions or inquiries about the market can be directed to my E-Mail address.



It is the Chamber’s purpose to help the Heights business community maintain a level of business that is both viable to the business owner and exciting to the consumer.

With very little expense outlay, the operation of a Farmer’s Market would create this excitement and attract consumers to our business district.

The Market would conduct business on a Monday or Tuesday from the end of June to October.



The Market would operate under the guidelines of the New Jersey Council of Farmers and Communities. This council is a grassroots, non-profit organization that maintains a network of community farmers’ markets. It assists the municipal sponsors that host the markets and the farmers who participate.

The council functions with the aid and sponsorship of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s "Jersey Fresh" program, the USDA, Natural resources Conservation Service and Rutgers Cooperative Extension.

We would appoint a Market Manager from within our community. He would follow the NJCFC Guidelines (see attached.)



Several options have been discussed. Let me emphasize - no firm location has been chosen and discussion with most landowners has not yet taken place.

Possible sites are as follows:

Bill O’Shea’s lot (where trees are sold)

Corpus Christi lot

Lot behind Heights Baseball Cards (Tom and Michele Meli owners)

High School field

Actually on the sidewalk



Due to limited space, ours would be a small market – probably no more than four farmers.


Our Market would be open for the months of June through October, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on a Monday or Tuesday (we are restricted by NFCFC to these days.)



Hasbrouck Heights would get free advertising through brochures, flyers and on New Jersey Transit buses.

Cost is very low - $250 fee to NFCFC.

Success in agricultural marketing helps significantly in economically preserving farmland and open space which, in turn, contributes to maintaining the quality of life in the region. Communities benefit from this type of marketing because it provides consumers with access to fresh, high quality produce and attracts business activity to downtown areas

There is opportunity for income to the Chamber (stall fees, etc.)

There is opportunity for income to our Town indirectly by enhancing traffic in the business district, and the entitlement to certain grant monies because we have bought into this program

Also, there are no produce stores in Hasbrouck Heights except for the Shop-Rite Supermarket. It is something residents need and would enjoy.



Securing site.

Sign ordinances – banners are used at these events.

Some may be concerned about parking/traffic (I hope we have this problem.)



Matching funds available for advertising from the State if we use "Jersey Fresh" produce logo. Average funds available approximately $500 to $1,000.




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