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Photos by Fritz Rethage · Posted
October 5, 2004
Safety Building
Dedication Ceremony
A dedication of the Public Safety Complex at
248 Hamilton Avenue was conducted by the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights Mayor and
Council on October 2, 2004 at 10 a.m. The Public Safety Building will house the
Hasbrouck Heights Police Department, Fire Department and Municipal Court. The facility was operational on
September 20, 2004.
The program began with presentation of the Police and Fire Department Honor Guards.
Introductions were made by Councilman Thomas Meli followed by a salute to the Flag and the
Pledge of Allegiance. The song "America" was led by Conchita Parker. The
Rev. Joseph Pickard, Vicar of the Church of St. John the Divine said the invocation.
Dedication remarks were made by Mayor Ronald R. Jones, Councilmen Garrett R. Pepe and
Justin A. DiPisa.
Presentations were made by Wood-Ridge and Lodi Fire Departments, followed by comments by
Hasbrouck Heights Fire Chief Robert Thomasey.
There was a ribbon cutting ceremony at the front entrance of 248 Hamilton.
The Benediction was given by Rev. Msgr. Rodrigo San Pedro, Adjunct Clergy, Corpus Christi
A second ribbon cutting ceremony was conducted in front of the Hasbrouck Heights Fire
The Blessing of the Rooms were conducted by: Police Department -- Rev. Msgr. Rodrigo San
Pedro, Adjunct Clergy, Corpus Christi Church; Fire Department -- The Rev. Joseph Pickard,
Vicar of the Church of St. John the Divine and Municipal Court -- Rev. Edward Glasser,
Community United Church of Christ.
Public tours of the building and light refreshments were served following the dedication.
Related stories:
Chief's Tour of the new Public
Safety Building: On November 11, 2003, Fire Chief Robert Thomasey and Police Chief Michael
Colaneri gave a tour of the new Public Safety Building. [Group
1][Group 2]
Mason's Cornerstone Ceremony for the new Public Safety Building (Police, Fire & Court)
was held at Hamilton Ave., Sunday, November 23 at 1:30 p.m. Photos [Group 1][Group 2]
A previous dedication of the Public Safety Complex at 248
Hamilton Avenue was conducted by the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights Mayor and Council
on December 20, 2003 at 2 p.m [Photos]

Introductions were made by Councilman Thomas Meli

A salute to the Flag

The song "America" was led by Conchita

Rev. Joseph Pickard, Vicar of the Church of St. John
the Divine said the invocation

Mayor Ronald R. Jones

Councilmen Garrett R. Pepe and Justin A. DiPisa.

Presentations were made by Wood-Ridge and Lodi Fire

Hasbrouck Heights Fire Chief Robert Thomasey.

The ribbon cutting ceremony at the front entrance of
248 Hamilton

Benediction by Rev. Msgr. Rodrigo San Pedro

A second ribbon cutting ceremony was conducted in
front of the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department.
The Blessing of the Rooms

Police Department -- Rev. Msgr. Rodrigo San Pedro

Fire Department -- The Rev. Joseph Pickard

Municipal Court -- Rev. Edward Glasser

Hasbrouck Heights Police Department Honor Guard
Laser color copies
are available at Minuteman Press (Boulevard & Franklin).

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