are an all volunteer fire department!
Recent News Clips

HHFD Took Santa Around Town December
21, 2008
Schedule in pdf format
During Holiday Parade 2008
of Department avi format
HHFD Drills with PA TEB Police
Saturday, June 28, 2008, the Hasbrouck Heights Fire
Department participated in a familiarization drill
at Teterboro Airport with the Port Authority Police,
led by Sergeant Frank S. Farfalla Jr. The purpose
of the exercise was to foster better coordination
of resources and to familiarize the HHFD with protocol
during an aircraft incident on the airfield.
[Photos and story]
Memorial Day Service 2008
the Hasbrouck Heights Memorial Day Veterans ceremony,
the parade continued along Passaic Avenue to the Firemen’s
Memorial at The Circle for a brief service.
[Photo and story]
Big Payoff
Saturday, May 10, 2008, at about 10:50 a.m., the pagers
sounded the call for an overturned vehicle with two
people trapped at the corner of Terrace and Bell Avenues.
[Photo &
HHFD Brightens Holidays
Members of the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department designed
and constructed two new holiday floats at their own
expense. The float on the left is a miniature HHFD
Rescue Truck, complete with working smokestack, mounted
on an ATV. The float on the right is a Gingerbread
House with a smoking chimney, music, and a live gingerbread
character, mounted on a trailer. [Photo
& story]
HHFD-EMS Captains Award Presentation
The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department convened December
19, 2007 for its last Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
monthly meeting for 2007. During this meeting, EMS
Captain Ron Botelho presented the EMS Captains
Award with trophies to 9 members of the Hasbrouck
Heights Police and Fire Departments for their dedication
to duty for one particular emergency medical call
that had a significant outcome to patient care.
[Story & photo]
HHFD Extrication
On November 16, 2007 at approximately 9:30 a.m., the
Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department Rescue Squad was
called to a Kipp Avenue home that was struck by a
car. [Story
& photo]
HHFD Visits Students During Fire Prevention Week
The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department visited
local schools for Fire Prevention Week, which was
held October 7 through 13, 2007. [Story
& photo]
In the Nick of Time
The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department responded to
a smoke condition at Nicks Quick Stop, 183 Boulevard,
about 11:30 a.m., Sunday, September 2, 2007. A small
fire in the storage area was extinguished by the owners.
The cause of the fire was undetermined and under investigation.
No injuries were reported. [Photo]
The Almost Disaster
It could have been a disaster. But wasnt.
On Friday afternoon, August 24th, about 2:18 p.m.,
a fully loaded gasoline tanker collapsed on Route
17 at the jug-handle across from White Castle. [Story
& photo]
HHFD Search & Rescue Drill
On the evening of August 22, 2007, the Hasbrouck Heights
Fire Department conducted training at a Kipp Avenue
house scheduled for demolition. The exercise was led
by First Assistant Chief Mike Ratowski, Rescue Lt.
Chris Halloran and Ladder Company Capt. Brian Morrow.
[Photo &
Rt. 17 Accident Injures Eight
On July 9, at about 2:17 p.m., the HHPD received calls
of a multiple motor vehicle accident on Route 17 North.
It was reported that a car with six passengers came
in contact with a tractor trailer while changing lanes,
overturned, slid on its roof and was then rear ended
by another vehicle that then crashed into a pick-up
truck parked at Kundert Motors. The tractor trailer
continued down Rt. 17 striking two more vehicles.
& story]
HHFD Memorial Day Service 2007
Following the Memorial Day Parade
along Terrace Avenue and a Service at Veterans Memorial
Park honoring Veterans, the Hasbrouck Heights Fire
Department marched to the Fireman's Memorial at The
Circle to honor those who served in The Department.
[Story & photo]
HHFD Annual Inspection 2007
The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department conducted its
Annual Inspection at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 12,
2007. Department personnel were in full dress uniform.
The equipment and new headquarters were presented
for inspection and Department personnel were available
to answer any questions.
The event was attended by local officials, as well
as Fire Chiefs from mutual aid towns.
[Photo &
HHFD Responds to Car Fire
Fiery Exit Claims Vehicle: Driver OK.
[Story &
Firefighters Work Under Brutal Conditions
In the grip of winters extreme temperature of
17 degrees, with NNW winds at 17 mph, gusting to 25-35
mph, and a wind chill of one degree, South Bergen
Zone II Mutual Aid Fire Departments worked a 2-alarm
call at 200 Hollister Road in Teterboro for a smoke
condition at 10:30 p.m. on March 5, 2007.
[Story & photo]
HHFD Conducts Jaws of Life Training
Training under freezing temperatures on Saturday afternoon,
February 17, 2007, the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department
conducted rescue and Jaws of Life training
at the DPW yard near the airport. Two donated vehicles
were used in the exercise that practiced the basic
techniques that are regularly used by the Department.
[Photo &
Brownie Troop 595 Tours Fire Department
On the afternoon of February 8, 2007, Brownie Troop
595, from Lincoln and Euclid Schools, toured the Hasbrouck
Heights Fire Department. The tour began with First
Assistant Chief Michael Ratkowski discussing fire
safety. He discussed -- what to do if there is a fire
in your home: go to a neighbor and have them call
9-1-1, do not go back into your home.
[Photo &
Fit to Breathe
On January 31 and February 1 and 10, 2007,
every member of the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department
performed their annual respirator fit test. Firefighters
authorized to enter smoke-filled structures using
air tanks test the seal of their mask
annually. [Photo
& story]
Fire Department Holds Installation Dinner
The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department held their installation
dinner for Chief Angelo Roccamo and the Department
Officers at The Venetian on January 13, 2007. Master
of Ceremonies was former Fire Chief Tony Greco. The
Pledge of Allegiance was led by First Assistant Chief
Michael Ratkowski and a Benediction was given by Fire
Department Chaplain Rev. Joseph Pickard. [Photo
& story]
Firemans Funeral
Former Hasbrouck Heights Fire Chief Artie Knobloch
passed on November 18, 2006.
During visitation at Costa Memorial Home on the evening
of November 21st, firefighters from area departments
paid their last respects in full dress uniform. Members
of the Heights Fire Department were posted throughout
and the Heights Honor Guard was posted at the casket
during viewing hours. A brief service was conducted
by Fire Department Chaplain Rev. Joseph Pickard.
& story]

Memorial Day
Firemans Service · 2007
Firemans Service
2006 Firemans Service · 2005
Firemans Service · 2004
Firemans Service
2002 Firemans Service
· 2001 Service
· 2000 Service
HHFD Annual Inspection
May 12, 2007, 7:00 p.m. @ New Firehouse [2007
May 20, 2006, 7:00 p.m. @ New Firehouse [2006
May 14, 2005, 7:00 p.m. @ New Firehouse [2005
May 8, 2004, 7:00 p.m. @ Temporary Firehouse [2004
May 17, 2003, 7:00 p.m. @ Euclid Lodge [2003
May 18, 2002, 7:00 p.m. @ Euclid Lodge [2002
May 19, 2001, 7:00 p.m. @ Euclid Lodge [2001
May 20, 2000, 7.00 p.m. @ Euclid Lodge [2000

Santa Visits Heights
Santa Claus traveled with the Hasbrouck Heights
Fire Department
Santa Waving
120k mpg with sound
Arriving on Sleigh 2003 -- 600k
Passing on Sleigh 2004-- 1 meg
Passing on Sleigh 2005-- 1 meg
Sunday, December 18, 2005 [Photos]
Sunday, December 19, 2004 [Photos]
Sunday, December 21, 2003 [Photos]
Sunday, December 22, 2002 [Photos]
Sunday, December 23, 2001 [Group
1][Group 2]
Sunday, December 17, 2000 [Photos]
Sunday, December 19, 1999.[Photos]
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News Clips
Aid Links
Fire Department - Web Site for mutual aid partner
Fire Department
Lodi Fire Department
Fire Department - Web Site for mutual aid partner
Fire Department
Bergen Fire Chiefs Mutual Aid Association - Mutual
Aid Organization of South Bergen County Fire Departments
Related Bergen County Links
County Law & Public Safety Institute - Fire
fighting training center for Bergen County
Bergen County
EMS Training Center - EMS training facility for
Bergen County
County Firefighter's Pipe Band - A bagpipe band
whose members are drawn from Bergen County fire departments.