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Summer in Hasbrouck Heights

Hometown News

dwg1aa.jpg (21958 bytes) Municipal Complex
Quick summary: Library on top floor. Senior Center, Municipal Offices & Police Department on first floor. 119 off street parking spaces. HH Fire Department to remain at 248 Hamilton. [Click here] for larger copy of proposed architects drawings.

Municipal Complex special meeting scheduled for September 25, 7:30 p.m. @VFW Post 4591. Regular M/C meeting September 26 to be held 7:30 p.m. @VFW Post 4591.
Mayor invites residents  [Letter]

Related background info links:
[Transition Index] [Boulevard Index] [Public Comments] regarding Municipal Complex plans. Burgis Boulevard Redevelopment Report [pdf] [Library/Sr. Center] Original plan for land useage.


hs19a.jpg (11302 bytes) School Additions & Renovations
Progressive construction photos

After a $10.4 million referendum was passed  in May 1998 by the community, the Board of Education began work on the new additions to Euclid, Linclon and the Jr./Sr. High School on July 1999.  Work was nearly completed September 8, 2000, in time for September 11th school opening.  Here is a photo essay of the project as it unfolded. [Index to construction photos]

10a.jpg (18090 bytes) Good Neighbor Day
was celebrated Wednesday Sept.6
@ Bill O'Shea's Florist.
1000 Doz. Roses were given away.

2000 Story [Pics 1][2][3]
1999 Story[Pics1][2][3]

A Food Drive was held concurrently with this event with the Center for Food Action

MDA Telethon Labor Day Weekend @ VFW
MDA 2000 Photos [1] [2] [3]
MDA 1999 Photos [1][2][3]

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2000-2001 School Calender in pdf format [Calender][Information & Schedules]


Improved Boulevard Clean-up Program Announced
The Boulevard has been swept and litter baskets emptied twice a week. This did not work.  M/C announced that the new schedule is that the Boulevard will be swept on Mondays, Wedesdays and Fridays.  The litter baskets will be emptied on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. For more info about The [Boulevard]


HHFD Training
On the evening of August 25, 2000, the HHFD conducted training exercises in a smoked filled LaSalle Ave. structure.
[4 photos]

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Bergen County West Nile Virus hotline: 201-225-7000
NJ Dept. Health:
Mosquito Control Adulticide spraying  took place Thursday, August 17  & Tuesday August 22 between 3 a.m. -- 6 a.m. During spraying neighbors were asked to stay inside, bring in toys and close windows. Quick Facts: Considered a "very low irritant" to the eyes, skin, nose and throat tissue.  Does not damage car paint.  Degrades within four hours in in sunlight.

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Sodding Depken Field [5 Photos]

BOE announced August 9th that the new principal for Euclid School will be Michael McGovern.


Voting Delegate Rose Marie Heck provides [daily dispatches and photos] from the Republican National Convention held early August in Philadelphia, PA.


40a.jpg (11805 bytes) Holy Word Studios
Bible Baptist Church sponsored VBS 2000 "Where kids star in God's story!" Crafts, snacks, prizes, stories, games, puppets & music.[Photos]

Arts Bible Program
@ St. John the Divine Episcopal Church
St. John the Divine ran a three-day art’s bible program between July 5-7th, 2000. The theme was Noah’s Ark, culminating in a trip to the Van Saun Park petting zoo. It was sponsored by The Katherine W. Ellison Charitable Foundation, and run by Fr. Joe Pickard, the Vicar of St. John’s.

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38a.jpg (12711 bytes) Children's Parade
was held July 4, 9:30 a.m.@  Washington & Burton
Children are dressed in patriotic costumes, rode decorated bikes and floats. [Winners][More pictures]

Heights receives State recognition
On June 29, 2000, special resolutions were presented by the full Assembly in Chambers to Hasbrouck Heights in recognition of their heroic efforts during recent disasters. [Photos] ]Air Disaster]
[Boro Hall Fire]

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14a.jpg (12404 bytes) HH Little League held their Annual Picnic & Awards Ceremony on June 24 @ LL. Field 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Events include games & skill competition. Refreshments. [Picnic pics] [HH Little League]

June 20th was the first day of Farmer's Market 2000.  The Market will feature "Jersey Fresh" produce every Tuesday from 1-6 p.m. until October at The Boulevard & Washington. Event sponsored by Chamber. [1st day pics] [Info]

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runa.jpg (13922 bytes) HHPD Runs for Special Olympics
On June 2, 2000 about 10:00 a.m., our PD carried the "Torch" to a brief ceremony held at Shoprite, then proceeded up Williams and downs The Boulevard. [Photo]

Memorial Day Parade was held Monday, May 29 along Terrace Ave,
with a 11 a.m. ceremony @ Monument.  Sponsored by VFW & Am. Legion
[Photos of Parade]  [Photos of Service]  [Honor Roll] [Doc's Pics]

24 hr. Bicycle Marathon was held on May 27 & 28 @ Athletic Field.
[Final stats] [May 27 event photos]  [May 28 event photos]  [Record story

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The First Year of the 21st Century
Photo essay series reflecting our first year of the century. [Century Index]

31a.jpg (20401 bytes) Summer Time
Memorial Day Parade [Parade]  [Service]  [Honor Roll]
24 hr. Bike Marathon [5- 27 photos]  [5-28 photos
July 4th Children's Parade -- [Winners] [More pics]

Farmer's Market 2000 [1st day pics]
Summer Days
[Photos][Scenes Around Town] [Around town #2] [Backyard Garden]

Springing into the Century
Spring scenes - Early April [Photos]
Easter decorations [Photos]
Spring surprise [Photos]

Spring scenes - Late April [Photos]
Spring scenes - Late May [Photos]
Spring Flowers 1 [Photos]
Spring Flowers 2 [Photos]

First Snow of the Century 
[21 photos] around our hometown beginning on January 20, 2000
[Woodland Park] morning of January 21

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Road paving for 2000: Kipp, Wood & Cleveland. LaSalle & Paterson if possible.
[1999 paving program w/photos]

Good Neighbor Day Wednesday Sept.6 @ Bill O'Shea's Florist.
1000 Doz. Roses were given away. 2000 Story [Pics 1][2][3]

[1999 Story][Pics1][2][3]
Bring Food: A Food Drive was held concurrently with this event.

MDA Telethon Labor Day Weekend @ VFW
MDA 2000 Photos [1] [2] [3]          MDA 1999 Photos [1][2][3]

HH Recreation Department Autumn Activities [Schedule]
Senior Citizen Aerobics   --   Teenage and Adult Aerobics
Arts and Crafts   --   Adult Co-Ed Volleyball
Basketball for Over 30   --   Boys and Girls Biddy Basketball

Part-time jobs are available with the Recreation Department.

Applications accepted from age 15 through adults.

HH Touchdown Club Golf Outing, Aug. 24 @ Knoll West CC (Parsippany). Shotgun start 1:30 p.m. Lunch, dinner, raffle & prizes. $130. Hole Sponsorship $50. Call Rich @ 288-2921 by 8-3.

HHHS 40 Year Class Reunion (Aug. 12)  [Announcement]

Chamber Sidewalk Sale - August 3, 4, & 5

"Carnival" musical production  try-outs July 24 & Aug. 2. Large cast required. Call Bob @201-435-6040 or Vic @ 201-462-0184. Sponsored by CC Community Theatre.

Assemblywoman Rose Marie Heck & Nancy Radwin regularly host   "Opinions & Stories" on
Cablevision's Ch. 6. July's Program is on Light Rail and appears several times during month.

Bible Baptist Church sponsored VBS 2000 "Where kids star in God's story!"
FREE admission. Crafts, snacks, prizes, stories, games, puppets & music.
July 10-14 from 9 am - 12 noon. Ages 3-12. [Photos]

17th Annual Fireworks & Big Band Concert was held July 4th, 8:00 p.m. @ Depken Field

Children's Parade was held July 4, 9:30 a.m., @  Washington & Burton [Pics 1] [Pics 2]

Every Tuesday this summer from 1-6 p.m. (starting June 20), the [HH Chamber] sponsored [Farmer's Market] will be located at the corner of The Boulevard & Washington. [1st Day Pics]

Assemblywoman Rose Marie Heck   hosted a luncheon in the State House general purpose room, followed by a  presentation by the full Assembly in Chambers. Special resolutions were presented to Hasbrouck Heights in recognition of their special efforts during recent disasters. [Photos]

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About Our Neighbors

Rose Marie Heck attends Republican National Convention in Philadelphia as a voting delegate in August 2000 Check out her Daily Reports

Daniell Scipioni appointed Recreation Director effective May 23, 2000

Mrs. Colleen Jarvis Receives Archie F. Hay Award [Story]

Fr. Ray celebrated the 35th Anniversary of his ordination at a 2 p.m. Mass in the Chapel on Sunday May 21

Fr. Quinn celebrated the 25th Anniversary of his ordination at a 2 p.m. Mass in the Chapel on Sunday May 7

Rose Marie Sees appointed Boro Clerk @ May 9 M/C Meeting

Andrew Feintuch  -- Hasbrouck Heights Recreation Director
[Mayor's Eulogy] [Obituary] [Record Obituary] [Memorial Tribute Photo] [Awards]

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Boulevard Neighbors

Picture Frame Center Galleria Classica
is moving from 173 Boulevard to 226 Boulevard. Phone remains 201- 462-0200. Good luck on your new location.

Boulevard Flooring
has just moved into 195 Boulevard. Phone: 288-8022.  This is a family owned and operated flooring business. Welcome Tom Murphy.

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