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Winter 2007
The Gazette Newspaper - - pdf
2007 March 2007
February 2007 January 2007 December 2006 November 2006 October 2006
September 2006 August 2006 July 2006 June 2006 May 2006 April 2006
March 2006 February 2006 January 2006 December 2005 November 2005
October 2005 September 2005 August 2005 July 2005 June 2005 May 2005
April 2005 March 2005 February 2005 January 2005 December 2004
* mpg movie clips included
Brownie Troop 595 Tours NJ Aviation Hall of Fame
On March 10, 2007, Hasbrouck Heights Brownie Troop 595 toured the NJ Aviation Hall of Fame
located at Teterboro Airport. The tour was led by the Museum Director, Shea Oakley, whose
informative talk was highlighted with unique stories and anecdotes about NJ aviation. [Story & photo]
Firefighters Work Under Brutal Conditions
In the grip of winters extreme temperature of 17 degrees, with NNW winds at 17 mph,
gusting to 25-35 mph, and a wind chill of one degree, South Bergen Zone II Mutual Aid Fire
Departments worked a 2-alarm call at 200 Hollister Road in Teterboro for a smoke condition
at 10:30 p.m. on March 5, 2007.
[Story & photo]
Heights Area Supports Our Troops Families
On Saturday, March 3, 2007, Hasbrouck Heights Area residents conducted a food drive to
benefit the Military Familys Assistance Center at the Teaneck Armory, located at
1799 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ.
[Photo & story]
United Under Gods Tent
On Friday, March 2nd, women representing every Church in Hasbrouck Heights, organized and
conducted a World Day of Prayer (WDP) Service. [Photo
& story]
Winter Snow Storms ...
Movies: Plowing Circle
Christmas Day 2002
DPW plowing The
Boulevard December 6, 2003 [1][2]
HHFD Ladder Company responding to call Dec. 14, 2003 [900k]
Winter Said Hello February 12 2006
First Major Snow of the Season December 9, 2005
Presidential Surprise February 21, 2005
DPW Does A Great Job... Again! January 22,
Scenes Around Snowy Heights January 23, 2005
March Blast
March 16, 2004
Snow Storm January 28, 2004
Snow Storm December 14, 2003
Back-to-back Storm Storms December 5-6, 2003
Blizzard '03 Feb. 17, 2003 Spring Surprise April 7. 2003
2002-2003 -- First snow Dec. 5, 2002 White Christmas 2002
2001-2002 -- Around Town
January 20, 2002
2000-2001 -- The (Almost) Storm of Century March
4-5, 2001
Around Town Photos
January 2001
Holiday Snow Storm Dec. 30, 2000 [Photos][Woodland Park]
1999-2000 -- First Snow of the Century Jan. 20, 2000
[Photos][Woodland Park]
Early Storms
Big pre-December 10th snowstorms since 1949
Measurmeents at Newark Liberty Airport
Source: NE Regional Climatic Data Center, Ithaca, NY
Dec. 5-6, 2003 |
15.9 |
Dec. 3-4, 1957 |
13.3 |
Dec. 5, 2002 |
8.0 |
Nov. 22-23, 1989 |
5.7 |
Dec. 2-3, 1952 |
4.8 |
Dec.8-9, 1958 |
4.5 |
Dec. 5-6, 1985 |
3.7 |
Andy Feintuch Memorial Wrestling Tournament
The Andy Feintuch Memorial Wrestling Tournament was held on
Sunday, February 17th from 8:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Hasbrouck Heights High School in
the new gym.
The Heights team earned 16 gold, 10 silver and 8 bronze medals. [Story & photo]
HHFD Conducts Jaws of Life Training
Training under freezing temperatures on Saturday afternoon, February 17, 2007, the
Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department conducted rescue and Jaws of Life training
at the DPW yard near the airport. Two donated vehicles were used in the exercise that
practiced the basic techniques that are regularly used by the Department. [Photo & story]
Brownies Have Sweet Dreams
In preparation for their first overnight campout, about 72 First and Second Grade Brownies
from Corpus Christi, Euclid and Lincoln Schools participated in a town-wide sleepover held
in the Senior Center on Friday, February 16 from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. They represented
Girl Scout Troops 612, 613, 526, 595, 1180 and 1557. The theme was Glen Spey of Hasbrouck
Heights. Glen Spey is the name of the Girl Scout Camp in New York that these scouts will
attend for their first weekend camping experience when they reach Third Grade.
[Story & photo]
Brownie Troop 595 Tours Fire Department
On the afternoon of February 8, 2007, Brownie Troop 595, from Lincoln and Euclid Schools,
toured the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department. The tour began with First Assistant Chief
Michael Ratkowski discussing fire safety. He discussed -- what to do if there is a fire in
your home: go to a neighbor and have them call 9-1-1, do not go back into your home. [Photo & story]
Fit to Breathe
On January 31 and February 1 and 10, 2007, every member of the Hasbrouck Heights
Fire Department performed their annual respirator fit test. Firefighters authorized to
enter smoke-filled structures using air tanks test the seal of their mask
annually. [Photo & story]
Fire Department Holds Installation Dinner
The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department held their installation dinner for Chief Angelo
Roccamo and the Department Officers at The Venetian on January 13, 2007. Master of
Ceremonies was former Fire Chief Tony Greco. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by First
Assistant Chief Michael Ratkowski and a Benediction was given by Fire Department Chaplain
Rev. Joseph Pickard. [Photo & story]
Bee-ing The Best
On Friday, January 12th, 2007, the Junior Womens Club of Hasbrouck Heights held its
14th Annual Spelling Bee at Kiefer Auditorium in the Hasbrouck Heights Jr./Sr. High
School. [Photo & story]
Reorganization Meeting 2007
On January 1, 2007 at 11:45 a.m., a Sine Die Meeting was held to conclude 2006 business.
Upon the seating of new council members, Mayor Ronald R. Jones declared the 2007
Reorganization Meeting in session. [Story & photo]
Lighting Ceremony 2006
Annual tree lighting ceremony was held at The Circle, 5 p.m., December 5, 2006 and
was sponsored by Mayor's Community Celebrations Committee [Story & photo]
Firemans Funeral
Former Hasbrouck Heights Fire Chief Artie Knobloch passed on November 18, 2006.
During visitation at Costa Memorial Home on the evening of November 21st, firefighters
from area departments paid their last respects in full dress uniform. Members of the
Heights Fire Department were posted throughout and the Heights Honor Guard was posted at
the casket during viewing hours. A brief service was conducted by Fire Department Chaplain
Rev. Joseph Pickard. [Photo & story]
DPW Tries New
Leaf Collection System
[Story & photo]
Repaving Oak
Oak Grove Avenue was repaved for its entire length and was the only street
repaved this year.
[Story & photo]
Ragamuffin Parade
On Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 1 p.m., the Annual Hasbrouck Heights Ragamuffin
Paradewas held at the New Municipal Complex at Central Avenue for a "boo-ti-ful good
time". [Story & photo]
Haunted Hay Ride
Woodland Park was invaded by ghosts, goblins, aliens and assorted scary
characters on the evening of October 19, 2006. [Story & photo]
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For previously published hometown news ...
Current Edition -- Winter 2008

HH Fire Department Features
Mass Decontamination
The radio crackles: "There has been a contamination of unknown
substance at ...." Office building, factory or stadium -- regional first
responders are trained to handle the decontamination of large numbers of people.
Carlstadt, Hasbrouck Heights, Little Ferry, Moonachie, Wallington and Wood-Ridge Fire
Departments participated in this hands-on mass decontamination exercise. The
training was held on August 22, 2004 at a Route 46 office complex parking lot in
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. Classroom instruction preceded this drill. This course
is given to every fire department in Northern New Jersey and with this common training --
all departments can mobilize in highly-coordinated, scalable efforts.
[Story and set-up] [Group 2 photos][Group
3 photos]
"Jaws of Life" Training
1. Story and equipment
2. Blue car: Removing front doors
3. Blue car: Removing rear doors
4. Blue car: Removing glass, roof, breaking frame &
opening hood
5. Yellow truck: Removing doors
6. Yellow truck: Removing glass and roof
7. Yellow truck: Extracting victim
Mpeg movies included: Blue car [Rear door]
[Cutting hood open]
Yellow truck [Door] [Cutting windshield #1] [Cutting windshield #2]
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Heights First Year
Here is a glimpse of our
hometown during the first year of the 21st century. Throughout the year
I had photographed some interesting tableaus reflecting our community life. Take a
glance around Hasbrouck Heights, NJ during 2000 A.D., and see some of the people, events
and places that make our town a special place to live and work. [Photo Essay] |
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